2 Grants
Proto-OKN Theme 1: Safe Agricultural Products and Water Graph (SAWGraph): An OKN to Monitor and Trace PFAS and Other Contaminants in the Nation's Food and Water Systems
Hettiarachchi, GangaHitzler, PascalHahmann, TorstenApul, Onur and Palani, Hari Prasath
National Science Foundation (NSF), Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships, Innovation and Technology Ecosystems (ID: 2333782), $1,499,735USD, 2023-10-01 -- 2026-09-30
EAGER SitS: Sustainable Biosensor Integration for Precision Management of Agricultural Soils
Welch, StephenParameswaran, PrathapHettiarachchi, GangaHansen, Ryan and Tucker Kulesza, Stacey
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys (ID: 1841613), $300,000USD, 01/01/2019 -- 12/31/2020