57 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
The effectiveness of using virtual fencing for cattle to achieve conservation goals in tallgrass prairie. Rangelands
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Consequences of drought for grassland songbird reproduction. Ecosphere
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Environmental drivers of female reproductive investment in egg quantity and quality in a grassland sparrow. Ibis
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The long shadow of woody encroachment: An integrated approach to modeling grassland songbird habitat. Ecological Applications
Silber, Katy MHefley, Trevor JCastro-Miller, Henry NRatajczak, Zak and Boyle, W A
. | Journal Article
Data fusion of distance sampling and capture-recapture data
Mohankumar, Narmadha M.Hefley, Trevor J.Silber, Katy M. and Boyle, W. Alice
Spatial Statistics, vol. 55, pp. 100756. | Journal Article
Emigration and survival correlate with different precipitation metrics throughout a grassland songbird s annual cycle. The Journal of Wildlife Management
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Review of Conservation Challenges and Possible Solutions for Grassland Birds of the North American Great Plains
Bernath-Plaisted, Jacy S.Correll, Maureen D.Somershoe, Scott G.Dwyer, Angela M.Bankert, AndyBeh, AdamBerlanga, HumbertoBoyle, W. AliceCruz-Romo, J. LizardoGeorge, T. LukeHerkert, JamesKoper, NicolaMacı́as-Duarte, AlbertoPanjabi, Arvind O.Ramı́rez-Flores, Oscar M.Robinson, BarryRuvalcaba-Ortega, IreneSibbing, JulieStrasser, Erin H.Titulaer, MiekePelt, William E. Van and VerCauteren, Tammy
Rangeland Ecology &\mathsemicolon Management, vol. 90, pp. 165–185. | Journal Article
Riding out the storm: depleted fat stores and elevated hematocrit in a small bodied endotherm exposed to severe weather
Freeman, N EGustafson, MHefley, T J and Boyle, W A
Conservation Physiology, vol. 11. | Journal Article
Systems biology as a framework to understand the physiological and endocrine bases of behavior and its evolution—From concepts to a case study in birds
Fuxjager, Matthew J.Ryder, T. BrandtMoody, Nicole M.Alfonso, CamiloBalakrishnan, Christopher N.Barske, JuliaBosholn, MarianeBoyle, W. AliceBraun, Edward L.Chiver, IoanaDakin, RoslynDay, Lainy B.Driver, RobertFusani, LeonidaHorton, Brent M.Kimball, Rebecca T.Lipshutz, SaraMello, Claudio V.Miller, Eliot T.Webster, Michael S.Wirthlin, MorganWollman, RoyMoore, Ignacio T. and Schlinger, Barney A.
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 151, pp. 105340. | Journal Article
Dancing drives evolution of sexual size dimorphism in manakins
Shogren, Elsie H.Anciães, MarinaBarske, JuliaCestari, CésarDuVal, Emily H.Gaiotti, Milene G.Johnson, Erik I.Kimball, Rebecca T.Marini, Miguel A.Ryder, T. BrandtScholer, Micah N.Ungvári, JuditWhite, Stewart A. and Boyle, W. Alice
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 289. | Journal Article
Predation, parasitism, and drought counteract the benefits of patch-burn grazing for the reproductive success of grassland songbirds
Verheijen, Bram H FErickson, Amy NBoyle, W AliceLeveritte, Kiana SSojka, Jennifer LSpahr, Lauren AWilliams, Emily JWinnicki, Sarah K and Sandercock, Brett K
Ornithological Applications, vol. 124. | Journal Article
Correction to: Grassland fragmentation affects declining tallgrass prairie birds most where large amounts of grassland remain
Herse, Mark R.With, Kimberly A. and Boyle, W. Alice
Landscape Ecology. | Journal Article
Dancing in the Rain: How Do Abiotic Conditions Influence Sexually Selected Behaviors in the White-Ruffed Manakin?
Shogren, Elsie HJones, Megan A and Boyle, W Alice
Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 61, pp. 1329–1342. | Journal Article
Spread the word: male manakins advertise the presence of display sites with neighbouring competitors
Shogren, Elsie H. and Boyle, W. Alice
Animal Behaviour, vol. 177, pp. 147–158. | Journal Article
Grassland fragmentation affects declining tallgrass prairie birds most where large amounts of grassland remain
Herse, Mark R.Herse, Mark R.With, Kimberly A.With, Kimberly A.Boyle, W. Alice and Boyle, W. Alice
Landscape Ecology, vol. 35, pp. 2791–2804. | Journal Article
Harmony on the prairie? Grassland plant and animal community responses to variation in climate across land‐use gradients. Ecology
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Hygric Niches for Tropical Endotherms. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
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Social interactions do not drive territory aggregation in a grassland songbird
Winnicki, S. K.Munguı́a, S. M.Williams, E. J. and Boyle, W. A.
Ecology, vol. 101. | Journal Article
Apparent survival of tropical birds in a wet, premontane forest in Costa Rica
Shogren, Elsie H.Jones, Megan A.Sandercock, Brett K. and Boyle, W. Alice
Journal of Field Ornithology, vol. 90, pp. 117–127. | Journal Article
Causes and consequences of avian within-season dispersal decisions in a dynamic grassland environment
Williams, Emily J. and Boyle, W. Alice
Animal Behaviour, vol. 155, pp. 77–87. | Journal Article
Nocturnal reductions in body temperature in high-elevation Neotropical birds. Tropical Ecology
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Sex and deception: a rare case of cheating in a lekking tropical bird
Boyle, W. Alice and Shogren, Elsie H.
Journal of Ethology, vol. 37, pp. 151–155. | Journal Article
Altitudinal migration: ecological drivers, knowledge gaps, and conservation implications.
Hsiung, An CHsiung, An CBoyle, W AliceBoyle, W AliceCooper, Robert JCooper, Robert JChandler, Richard B and Chandler, Richard B
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. | Journal Article
Birds on the move: ecology of migration and dispersal. Ornithology: Foundation, Critique, and Application
Patterns and correlates of within-season breeding dispersal: A common strategy in a declining grassland songbird
Williams, Emily J. and Boyle, W. Alice
Auk, vol. 135, pp. 1-14. | Journal Article