57 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
The effectiveness of using virtual fencing for cattle to achieve conservation goals in tallgrass prairie. Rangelands
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Consequences of drought for grassland songbird reproduction. Ecosphere
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Environmental drivers of female reproductive investment in egg quantity and quality in a grassland sparrow. Ibis
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The long shadow of woody encroachment: An integrated approach to modeling grassland songbird habitat. Ecological ApplicationsSilber, Katy M⋅Hefley, Trevor J⋅Castro-Miller, Henry N⋅Ratajczak, Zak and Boyle, W A.
| Journal Article
Data fusion of distance sampling and capture-recapture data
Mohankumar, Narmadha M.⋅Hefley, Trevor J.⋅Silber, Katy M. and Boyle, W. Alice
Spatial Statistics, vol. 55, pp. 100756. | Journal Article
Emigration and survival correlate with different precipitation metrics throughout a grassland songbird s annual cycle. The Journal of Wildlife Management
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Review of Conservation Challenges and Possible Solutions for Grassland Birds of the North American Great Plains
Bernath-Plaisted, Jacy S.⋅Correll, Maureen D.⋅Somershoe, Scott G.⋅Dwyer, Angela M.⋅Bankert, Andy⋅Beh, Adam⋅Berlanga, Humberto⋅Boyle, W. Alice⋅Cruz-Romo, J. Lizardo⋅George, T. Luke⋅Herkert, James⋅Koper, Nicola⋅Macı́as-Duarte, Alberto⋅Panjabi, Arvind O.⋅Ramı́rez-Flores, Oscar M.⋅Robinson, Barry⋅Ruvalcaba-Ortega, Irene⋅Sibbing, Julie⋅Strasser, Erin H.⋅Titulaer, Mieke⋅Pelt, William E. Van and VerCauteren, Tammy
Rangeland Ecology &\mathsemicolon Management, vol. 90, pp. 165–185. | Journal Article
Riding out the storm: depleted fat stores and elevated hematocrit in a small bodied endotherm exposed to severe weather
Freeman, N E⋅Gustafson, M⋅Hefley, T J and Boyle, W A
Conservation Physiology, vol. 11. | Journal Article
Systems biology as a framework to understand the physiological and endocrine bases of behavior and its evolution—From concepts to a case study in birds
Fuxjager, Matthew J.⋅Ryder, T. Brandt⋅Moody, Nicole M.⋅Alfonso, Camilo⋅Balakrishnan, Christopher N.⋅Barske, Julia⋅Bosholn, Mariane⋅Boyle, W. Alice⋅Braun, Edward L.⋅Chiver, Ioana⋅Dakin, Roslyn⋅Day, Lainy B.⋅Driver, Robert⋅Fusani, Leonida⋅Horton, Brent M.⋅Kimball, Rebecca T.⋅Lipshutz, Sara⋅Mello, Claudio V.⋅Miller, Eliot T.⋅Webster, Michael S.⋅Wirthlin, Morgan⋅Wollman, Roy⋅Moore, Ignacio T. and Schlinger, Barney A.
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 151, pp. 105340. | Journal Article
Dancing drives evolution of sexual size dimorphism in manakins
Shogren, Elsie H.⋅Anciães, Marina⋅Barske, Julia⋅Cestari, César⋅DuVal, Emily H.⋅Gaiotti, Milene G.⋅Johnson, Erik I.⋅Kimball, Rebecca T.⋅Marini, Miguel A.⋅Ryder, T. Brandt⋅Scholer, Micah N.⋅Ungvári, Judit⋅White, Stewart A. and Boyle, W. Alice
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 289. | Journal Article
Predation, parasitism, and drought counteract the benefits of patch-burn grazing for the reproductive success of grassland songbirds
Verheijen, Bram H F⋅Erickson, Amy N⋅Boyle, W Alice⋅Leveritte, Kiana S⋅Sojka, Jennifer L⋅Spahr, Lauren A⋅Williams, Emily J⋅Winnicki, Sarah K and Sandercock, Brett K
Ornithological Applications, vol. 124. | Journal Article
Correction to: Grassland fragmentation affects declining tallgrass prairie birds most where large amounts of grassland remain
Herse, Mark R.⋅With, Kimberly A. and Boyle, W. Alice
Landscape Ecology. | Journal Article
Dancing in the Rain: How Do Abiotic Conditions Influence Sexually Selected Behaviors in the White-Ruffed Manakin?
Shogren, Elsie H⋅Jones, Megan A and Boyle, W Alice
Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 61, pp. 1329–1342. | Journal Article
Spread the word: male manakins advertise the presence of display sites with neighbouring competitors
Shogren, Elsie H. and Boyle, W. Alice
Animal Behaviour, vol. 177, pp. 147–158. | Journal Article
Grassland fragmentation affects declining tallgrass prairie birds most where large amounts of grassland remainHerse, Mark R.⋅Herse, Mark R.⋅With, Kimberly A.⋅With, Kimberly A.⋅Boyle, W. Alice and Boyle, W. AliceLandscape Ecology, vol. 35, pp. 2791–2804.
| Journal Article
Harmony on the prairie? Grassland plant and animal community responses to variation in climate across land‐use gradients. Ecology
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Hygric Niches for Tropical Endotherms. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
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Social interactions do not drive territory aggregation in a grassland songbird
Winnicki, S. K.⋅Munguı́a, S. M.⋅Williams, E. J. and Boyle, W. A.
Ecology, vol. 101. | Journal Article
Apparent survival of tropical birds in a wet, premontane forest in Costa Rica
Shogren, Elsie H.⋅Jones, Megan A.⋅Sandercock, Brett K. and Boyle, W. Alice
Journal of Field Ornithology, vol. 90, pp. 117–127. | Journal Article
Causes and consequences of avian within-season dispersal decisions in a dynamic grassland environment
Williams, Emily J. and Boyle, W. Alice
Animal Behaviour, vol. 155, pp. 77–87. | Journal Article
Nocturnal reductions in body temperature in high-elevation Neotropical birds. Tropical Ecology
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Sex and deception: a rare case of cheating in a lekking tropical bird
Boyle, W. Alice and Shogren, Elsie H.
Journal of Ethology, vol. 37, pp. 151–155. | Journal Article
Altitudinal migration: ecological drivers, knowledge gaps, and conservation implications.Hsiung, An C⋅Hsiung, An C⋅Boyle, W Alice⋅Boyle, W Alice⋅Cooper, Robert J⋅Cooper, Robert J⋅Chandler, Richard B and Chandler, Richard BBiological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
| Journal Article
Birds on the move: ecology of migration and dispersal. Ornithology: Foundation, Critique, and Application
Patterns and correlates of within-season breeding dispersal: A common strategy in a declining grassland songbird
Williams, Emily J. and Boyle, W. Alice
Auk, vol. 135, pp. 1-14. | Journal Article