
Dr. Sun’s research interests are in the area of Biopolymers, bioproducts, and biorefining process engineering; Structure and functional properties of biomacromolecules; Biobased adhesives and coatings, Biodegradable plastics; and Hydrogels.

Dr. Sun’s research interests include biopolymer design, synthesis, and manufacturing for environmental and biomedical applications. She is specialized in protein and lipids structure and functional properties at monomers and polymers levels, and   innovative technologies such as peptide hydrogels, biobased adhesives, resins for coatings, and biodegradable plastics and composites.

Our research focuses on developing functional biomaterials that can be used as scaffolds for 3-dimensional (3-D) cell growth, either for engineering tissue or screening potential new cancer drugs. In the past, two-dimensional scaffolds have been used for growing cells for screening (before advancing to animal testing).

Keywords: Electrical & Computer Engineering - Developing endoscopic microplasma cancer therapy using optical fibers

PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 1993
MS, Northeast Agricultural University, Agricultural Engineering, 1986
BS, Northeast Agricultural University, Agricultural Engineering, 1982