
He develops instruments and procedures to measure the characteristics of wheat and other biological materials using techniques such as near-infrared spectroscopy. Current projects include using NIRS to measure grain traits such as scab damage, wheat hardness, amylose content, protein content, and color class. He also develops automated sorting technology that is used to select kernels with specific traits to enhance the quality of breeding lines. This research is also being applied to identifying insect characteristics such as mosquito species, midge and mosquito age, and honeybee health.


Engineering Research, Grain Marketing And Production Research Center, Manhattan, Kansas, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - Northern Plains Area, Research Education and Economics, United States Department of Agriculture

Adjunct Professor, Carl and Melinda Helwig Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, Kansas State University

Agricultural Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering
PhD, University of Illinois, Agricultural Engineering, 1988
MS, Oklahoma State University, Agricultural Engineering, 1985
BS, Oklahoma State University, Agricultural Engineering, 1984
grains & cereals