2 Grants
Cancer-targeted local pulmonary immunotherapy with PD-L1 inhibitory peptide secretory genes for the treatment of lung cancer
Comer, Jeffrey R and Tamura, Masaaki
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI) (ID: 1R15CA219919-01), $380,000USD, 08/01/2017 -- 07/31/2020
MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Computer Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications
Liu, BinAikens, ChristineSmith, PaulComer, Jeffrey and Andresen, Daniel
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien, Division Of Chemistry (ID: 1726332), $350,000USD, 08/01/2017 -- 07/31/2020