6 Grants
Research on the Use of Visual Cueing and Feedback to Facilitate Problem Solving
Bennett, AndrewRebello, N. Sanjay and Loschky, Lester
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education (ID: 1348857), $1,233,906USD, 01/01/2014 -- 12/31/2016
Investigating Trajectories of Learning & Transfer of Problem Solving Expertise from Mathematics to Physics to Engineering
Zollman, DeanRebello, N. SanjayBennett, Andrew and Warren, Steven
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) (ID: 0816207), $999,955USD, 09/01/2008 -- 08/31/2012
Assessing Student Transfer and Retention of Learning in Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Courses
Bennett, Andrew and Rebello, N. Sanjay
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education (ID: 0206943), $500,000USD, 07/15/2002 -- 06/30/2007
KSU - Mathematics Teacher Preparation Partnership
Cochrane, ToddBennett, AndrewShroyer, M. Gail and Bay Williams, Jennifer
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education (ID: 0202947), $850,000USD, 08/15/2002 -- 07/31/2006
Technology & Model-Based Conceptual Assessment: Research in Students' Applications of Models in Physics & Mathematics
Zollman, Dean and Bennett, Andrew
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) (ID: 0087788), $994,273USD, 01/01/2001 -- 12/31/2004
Mathematical Sciences: Probabilistic Hp Spaces on Product Domains
Bennett, Andrew
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Division of Mathematical Sciences (ID: 8600852), $7,444USD, 07/01/1986 -- 06/30/1988