11 Publications
Chinese Kindergarten Teachers' Perceived Changes in Their Teaching Philosophies and Practices: A Case Study in a University-Affiliated Program
Fees, Bronwyn SHoover, Luann and Zheng, Fuming
International Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 46, (no. 2), pp. 231-252, Aug 2014. | Journal Article
Physical activity programming in family child care homes: providers' perceptions of practices and barriers.
Fees, Bronwyn SB, FeesFees, BronwynS, TrostTrost, StewartTrost, Stewart GBopp, MelissaBopp, MelissaM, BoppDzewaltowski, David ADzewaltowski, David A. and DA, Dzewaltowski
Journal of nutrition education and behavior, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 268-73, 2009 Jul-Aug. | Journal Article
Feasibility and Efficacy of a "Move and Learn" Physical Activity Curriculum in Preschool Children
Trost, Stewart GTrost, Stewart G.Trost, Stewart G.Fees, BronwynFees, BronwynFees, Bronwyn SDzewaktiwski, DavidDzewaktiwski, David and Dzewaltowski, David A
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 5, (no. 1), pp. 88-103, 2008. | Journal Article
PATH across the Generations: Older Adults' Perceptions on the Value of Intergenerational Contact
Fees, Bronwyn S and Bradshaw, Michael H
Care Management Journals, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 209-215, 2003. | Journal Article
Let's move, learn, and have fun!
Roths, BarbaraFees, Bronwyn SBailey, Gwen and Fitzgerald, Karen
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, vol. 34, (no. 6), pp. 343-345, Nov/Dec 2002. | Journal Article
Perceptions of influence on child's competence among fathers in the military context.
Eaton, Michelle and Fees, Bronwyn S
Psychological reports, vol. 91, (no. 3 Pt 1), pp. 703-10, 2002/Dec. | Journal Article
A model of loneliness in older adults
Fees, Bronwyn SMartin, Peter and Poon, Leonard W
The Journals of Gerontology, vol. 54B, (no. 4), pp. P231-9, Jul 1999. | Journal Article
A model of loneliness in older adults.
Fees, Bronwyn SMartin, Peter and Poon, L W
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, vol. 54, (no. 4), pp. P231-9, 1999/Jul. | Journal Article
A model of loneliness in older adults.
Fees, Bronwyn SP, Martin and Poon, L. W
The Journals of Gerontology, vol. 54A, (no. 7), pp. P231-9, Jul 1999. | Journal Article
Parents' and educators' beliefs regarding their influence on preschool children's competencies (Dissertation)
Fees, Bronwyn S (1998).
Satisfaction with Foster Parenting: Assessment One Year after Training
Fees, Bronwyn SStockdale, Dahlia FCrase, Sedahlia JRiggins-Caspers, KristinYates, Amy MLekies, Kristi S and Gillis-Arnold, Renee
Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 20, (no. 4), pp. 347-363, 1998. | Journal Article