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Research Area:

  • Theoretical Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics
    • We are investigating the interaction of intense femtosecond and attosecond light pulses with atoms and molecules. We have established a quantitative rescattering theory which allows us to extract the structure information on the target from laser-generated high-order harmonics and high-energy photoelectrons. Currently we are extending the method to use ultrashort laser pulses for dynamic chemical imaging with femto- to sub-femtosecond temporal resolutions. We also investigating electron dynamics using attosecond pulses.

Current Research projects: 

  • Attosecond pulses probing electron dynamics
  • Mapping Moelcular orbitals with short intense laser pulses
  • Reading Molecular Clock with sub-fs precision
  • Quantum chaos in helium atom

In my career, I have carried out research in a number of different subfields in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.  They include:

  1. many-body effect in photoionization of atoms (1970's)
  2. relativistic many-body perturbation theory (1970's)
  3. doubly excited states of helium (1970's, 1980's)
  4. classification of triply excited states of atoms (1990's)
  5. charge transfer in ion-atom collisions at intermediate energies (1970's to 1990's)
  6. electron emission in high-energy ion-atom collisions (1990's)
  7. hyperspherical coordinates for general three-body systems (1980's, 1990's)
  8. interactions of atoms and molecules with intense lasers (after 2002)
  9. attosecond physics (after 2004)
  10. time-resolved chemical imaging with lasers (after 2006)

Research interests:

  • Attosecond physics
  • Laser-atom and laser-molecule interactions
  • Dynamic chemical imaging with infrared lasers
  • High-order harmonic generation for molecules
  • Quantum chaos in helium atom
Past Affiliations

Professor, Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University

Professor, Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Science, College of Science, National Tsing Hua University (past)

PhD, University of Chicago , Physics, 1974
BS, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1969
argentina natural and physical sciences, mathematics and technology physical sciences physics