8 Publications
Feasibility problems for recurring tasks on one processor.
Baruah, Sanjoy KHowell, Rodney R and Rosier, Louis E
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 118, (no. 1), pp. 3-20, 1993. | Journal Article
Normal and sinkless Petri nets.
Howell, Rodney RRosier, Louis E and Yen, Hsu-Chun
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 46, (no. 1), pp. 1-26, 1993. | Journal Article
A taxonomy of fairness and temporal logic problems for Petri nets.
Howell, Rodney RRosier, L. E and Yen, H-C
THEOR. COMP. SCI., vol. 82, (no. 2), pp. 341-372, 1991. | Journal Article
Algorithms and complexity concerning the preemptive scheduling of periodic, real-time tasks on one processor.
Baruah, Sanjoy KRosier, L. E and Howell, Rodney R
Real-Time Systems, vol. 2, (no. 4), pp. 301-324, 1990. | Journal Article
Problems concerning fairness and temporal logic for conflict-free Petri nets.
Howell, Rodney R and Rosier, L. E
THEOR. COMP. SCI., vol. 64, (no. 3), pp. 305-329, 1989. | Journal Article
Completeness results for conflict-free vector replacement systems.
Howell, Rodney R and Rosier, L. E
J. COMP. SYST. SCI., vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 349-366, 1988. | Journal Article
The complexity of problems concerning conflict-free Petri nets (Dissertation)
Howell, Rodney R (1988).
An analysis of the nonemptiness problem for classes of reversal-bounded multicounter machines.
Howell, Rodney R and Rosier, L. E
J. COMP. SYST. SCI., vol. 34, (no. 1), pp. 55-74, 1987. | Journal Article