87 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
Design of clay liner permeability at laboratory scale using expert systems
Basheer, Imad ANaouss, Wissam A and Reddi, Lakshmi N
COMPUT CIV ENG (NEW YORK), (no. 1), pp. 273-276, 1994. | Journal Article
Design of clay liner permeability at laboratory scale using expert systems
Basheer, Imad ANaouss, Wissam A and Reddi, Lakshmi N
ASCE, 1994. | Journal Article
Design of clay liner permeability at laboratory scale using expert systems
Basheer, Imad ANaouss, Wissam A and Reddi, Lakshmi N
The 1st Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering. Part 1 (of 2), 1994. | Journal Article
Feasibility of in situ implementation of vibrations to mobilize NAPL ganglia
Reddi, Lakshmi N
Journal of Soil Contamination, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 29-46, 1994. | Journal Article
Generalized hydraulic behavior of compacted clays.
Thangavadivelu, S. and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Paper, (no. 94-2156-94-2185), 1994. | Journal Article
Unsaturated Flow Modeling\=Exact Solution to Approximate Problem?
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Danda, S.K.R.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 120, (no. 2), pp. 186-198, 1994. | Journal Article
Vibratory Mobilization of Immiscible Liquid Ganglia in Sands
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Challa, S.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 120, (no. 5), pp. 1170-1190, 1994. | Journal Article
Feasibility of Ultrasonic Enhancement of Flow in Clayey Sands
Reddi, Lakshmi NBerliner, S. and Lee, KY
Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) JOEEDU, 1993. | Journal Article
Feasibility of Ultrasonic Enhancement of Flow in Clayey Sands
Reddi, Lakshmi NBerliner, S.I. and Lee, K.Y.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 119, (no. 4), pp. 746-752, 1993. | Journal Article
Prediction and sensitivity of recharges due to rainfall.
Danda, Sampath K and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Survey of and classification criteria for most commonly used groundwater models.
Reddi, Lakshmi NEmmett, C. HMedina, Daniel E and Peyton, R. L
NATL CONF ENVIRON ENG , ASCE, NEW YORK, NY (USA), 1992, 0 pp,. 1992. | Conference Proceeding
Survey of and classification criteria for most commonly used groundwater models.
Reddi, Lakshmi NEmmett, CHaroldMedina, Daniel E and Peyton, RLee
1992 National Conference on Environmental Engineering - Water Forum '92, 1992. | Journal Article
Survey of and classification criteria for most commonly used groundwater models.
Reddi, Lakshmi NEmmett, CHaroldMedina, Daniel E and Peyton, RLee
ASCE, NEW YORK, NY (USA). 1992. | Book
Probabilistic Analysis of Groundwater Levels in Hillside Slopes
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Wu, T.H.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 117, (no. 6), pp. 872-890, 1991. | Journal Article
A Study of Coupled Electric/Hydraulic Flow in Kaolinite
Korfiatis, GPReddi, Lakshmi N and Montanti, V.
Transportation Research Record TRREDM, 1990. | Journal Article
Potential Pitfalls in Using Groundwater Models
Reddi, Lakshmi N
IN: Transferring Models to Users. American Water Resources Association, 1990. | Journal Article
Probabilistic analysis of groundwater levels in hillside slopes (Dissertation)
Reddi, Lakshmi N (1988).
n.d.no date or unknown
Ammonium transport through lagoon liners - modeling studies
Bonala, Mohan V and Reddi, Lakshmi N
GEOTECH SPEC PUBL, (no. 105), pp. 105-120. | Journal Article
A Pore-Scale Study of the Stability of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Ganglia under the Influence of Vibrations
Menon, S.Pant, A. and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) in Subsurface Environment: Assessment and Remediation. | Conference Proceeding
Assessment of Clay Colloid Transport and the Associated Transport of Herbicides in Subsurface
Prabhushankar, R.N.Reddi, Lakshmi N and Schwab, A.P.
Innovative Technologies for Site Remediation and Hazardous Waste Management. | Conference Proceeding
Biological clogging in porous media
Hajra, Malay GReddi, Lakshmi NMarchin, George L and Mutyala, Jagan
GEOTECH SPEC PUBL, (no. 105), pp. 151-165. | Journal Article
Contribution of Vegetation Roots to Shear Strength of Soil
Reddi, Lakshmi N
Geotechnical Engineering Congress\=1991. | Conference Proceeding
Design of Clay Liner Permeability at Laboratory Scale Using Expert Systems
Basheer, I.A.Naouss, W.A. and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Computing in Civil Engineering (1994). | Conference Proceeding
Effect of Vibrations on Pore Fluid Distribution in Porous Media\=Experimental Investigations
Xiao, Ming and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments: Earth & Space 2004. | Conference Proceeding
Flow and Distribution of Fluid Phases through Porous Plant Growth Media in Microgravity
Steinberg, S. LAlexander, J. IOr, DaniDaidzic, N.Jones, ScottReddi, Lakshmi NTuller, MarkusKluitenberg, Gerard J and Xiao, Ming
Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments: Earth & Space 2004. | Conference Proceeding