87 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Animal waste containment in anaerobic lagoons lined with compacted clays
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Davalos, Hugo
J GEOTECH GEOENVIR ENG, vol. 126, (no. 3), pp. 257-264, 2000. | Journal Article
Biological clogging in porous media
Hajra, Malay GReddi, Lakshmi NMarchin, George L and Mutyala, Jagan
GEOTECH SPEC PUBL, (no. 105), pp. 151-165, 2000. | Journal Article
Biological Clogging in Porous Media
Hajra, M.G.Reddi, Lakshmi NMarchin, George L and Mutyala, J.
Environmental Geotechnics. 2000. | Conference Proceeding
Biological Clogging in Porous Media
Hajra, Malay GReddi, Lakshmi NMarchin, George L and Mutyala, Jagan
Proceedings of the Geo-Denver 2000 on Environmental Geotechnics; Denver, CO; USA; 5-8 Aug. 2000. 2000. | Conference Proceeding
Comparison of Fine Particle Clogging in Soil and Geotextile Filters
Xiao, Ming and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Proceedings of the Geo-Denver 2000 on Advances in Transportation and Geoenvironmental Systems Using Geosynthetics; Denver, CO; USA; 5-8 Aug. 2000. 2000. | Conference Proceeding
Comparison of Fine Particle Clogging in Soil and Geotextile Filters
Xiao, Ming and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Advances in Transportation and Geoenvironmental Systems Using Geosynthetics. 2000. | Conference Proceeding
Permeability Reduction of Soil Filters due to Physical Clogging
Reddi, Lakshmi NMing, X.Hajra, M.G. and Lee, I.M.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 126, (no. 3), pp. 236-246, 2000. | Journal Article
Scrape-and-replace method to minimize ammonium transport from animal waste lagoons
Bonala, Mohan VReddi, Lakshmi N and Davalos, Hugo
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, vol. 4, (no. 2), pp. 60-64, 2000. | Journal Article
Transport and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons at subsurface sand/clay interfaces
Kyle, GilesBanks, MKatherine and Reddi, Lakshmi N
J ENVIR SCI HEALTH PT A, vol. 34, (no. 1), pp. 1-29, 1999. | Journal Article
Transport and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons at subsurface sand/clay interfaces
Kyle, G.Banks, Margaret K and Reddi, Lakshmi N
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, vol. A34, (no. 1), pp. 1-29, 1999. | Journal Article
Bench-Scale Investigation on Vibrorecovery of NAPL Ganglia from Sands
Reddi, Lakshmi NNichols, J. and Korfiatis, G.P.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 124, (no. 9), pp. 897-901, 1998. | Journal Article
Filtration and Drainage in Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental Engineering
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Bonalo, M.V.S.
journal-services@asce.org], [URL:http://www.asce.org]. 1998. | Book
Mass Loss from LNAPL Pools under Fluctuating Water Table Conditions
Reddi, Lakshmi NHan, W. and Banks, Margaret K
Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 124, (no. 12), pp. 1171-1177, 1998. | Journal Article
Analytical Solution for Fine Particle Accumulation in Soil Filters
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Bonala, M.V.S.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 123, (no. 12), pp. 1143-1152, 1997. | Journal Article
Particle Transport in Soils: Review of Significant Processes in Infrastructure Systems
Reddi, Lakshmi N
Journal of Infrastructure Systems, vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 78-86, 1997. | Journal Article
Use of liquid limit state to generalize water retention properties of fine-grained soils
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Poduri, R.
Geotechnique, vol. 47, (no. 5), pp. 1043-1049, 1997. | Journal Article
Engineered Contaminated Soils and Interaction of Soil Geomembranes
Meegoda, Jay NVallejo, L.E. and Reddi, Lakshmi N
journal-services@asce.org], [URL:http://www.asce.org]. 1996. | Book
Mechanisms Involved in Vibratory Destabilization of NAPL Ganglia in Sands
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Wu, H.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 122, (no. 12), pp. 1115-1119, 1996. | Journal Article
Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) in Subsurface Environment: Assessment and Remediation
Reddi, Lakshmi N
journal-services@asce.org], [URL:http://www.asce.org]. 1996. | Book
Representation of Compacted Clay Minifabric Using Random Networks
Reddi, Lakshmi N and Thangavadivelu, S.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 122, (no. 11), pp. 906-913, 1996. | Journal Article
Site characterization by neuronets: an application to the landfill siting problem
Basheer, Imad AReddi, Lakshmi N and Najjar, Jacob M
Ground Water, vol. 34, (no. 4), pp. 610-617, 1996. | Journal Article
A physically based model for mobilization of kaolinite particles under hydraulic gradients
Govindaraju, Rao SReddi, Lakshmi N and Kasavaraju, SK
Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam), vol. 172, (no. 1-4), pp. 331-350, 1995. | Journal Article
Characterization of Preferential Flow Paths in Compacted Sand-Clay Mixtures
Govindaraju, Rao SReddi, Lakshmi N and Bhargava, S.K.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 121, (no. 9), pp. 652-659, 1995. | Journal Article
Pore-scale impact of soil and fluid kinetics on non-aqueous phase liquid mobilization
Reddi, Lakshmi NMenon, S. and Pant, Arun K
pp. 325-332, 1995. | Journal Article
Pore-scale impact of soil and fluid kinetics on non-aqueous phase liquid mobilization
Reddi, Lakshmi NMenon, S. and Pant, Arun K
The National Conference on Innovative Technologies for Site Remediation and Hazardous Waste Management, 1995. | Journal Article