
Research and Teaching Interests:  Rural and Environmental Studies; Sociology of Agriculture and Food; International Development; Science and Technology Studies; Contemporary Theory

Dr. Gerad Middendorf, Associate Professor of Sociology at Kansas State University, has expertise in rural and environmental studies, including the sociology of agriculture and rural development.  He has published on the social implications of agricultural technologies, agricultural science and technology policy, agrarian landscape transition, biofuels development, and related topics.

Middendorf's research interests are in the areas of rural and environmental studies, the sociology of agriculture and food, and international development.  His recent work has included a study of information needs of organic growers and retailers, and a study of agrarian landscape transition in eastern Kansas.  He has published a number of articles and chapters on the implications of agricultural biotechnologies and on agricultural science and technology policy. 

PhD, Michigan State University, Sociology, 2002
MA, Ohio University, International Affairs and Latin American Studies, 1992
BS, Southern Illinois University, Economics and Finance, 1987
agriculture food sciences anthropology rural studies latin american studies social work sociology sociology of science
Portuguese, Spanish

New Faculty Fellowship, Kansas State University, 2001-2002

Dissertation Completion Fellowship, The Graduate School (Michigan State University), 2001-2001

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (Portuguese and Area Studies), U.S. Dept of Education (Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies), 2000-2001

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Michigan State University (Portuguese and Area Studies), U.S. Dept. of Education (Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies), 1999-2000

Walker Hill International Scholarship (Pre-dissertation travel), International Programs (Michigan State University), 1996-1997

Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (Elected member), Michigan State University, 1996

Outstanding Academic Achievement Award (Latin American Studies), International Studies (Ohio University), 1991-1992

Nominated Outstanding Peace Corps Volunteer in Agriculture, Peace Corps, Honduras, 1988-1990

American Sociological Association
Latin American Studies Association
Rural Sociological Society
Society for Social Studies of Science