95 Publications (Page 4 of 4)
Protease Interactions With Bacillus thuringiensis Insecticidal Toxins
Oppert, Brenda
Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, vol. 42, (no. 1), pp. 1-12, 1999. | Journal Article
Spore coat protein synergizes Bacillus thuringiensis crystal toxicity for the Indianmeal moth (Plodia interpunctella).
Johnson, D.E.Oppert, Brenda and McGaughey, W.H.
Current microbiology., vol. 36, (no. 5), pp. 278-282, 1998. | Journal Article
cDNAs for a chymotrypsinogen-like protein from two strains of Plodia interpunctella.
Zhu, Yu COppert, BrendaKramer, KarlMcGaughey, W H and Dowdy, Alan K
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 27, (no. 12), pp. 1027-37, 1997/Dec. | Journal Article
Proteinase-mediated insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxins.
Oppert, BrendaKramer, KarlBeeman, Richard WJohnson, D and McGaughey, W H
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 272, (no. 38), pp. 23473-6, 1997/Sep/19. | Journal Article
Rapid microplate assay for substrates and inhibitors of proteinase mixtures.
Oppert, BrendaKramer, Karl and McGaughey, W H
BioTechniques, vol. 23, (no. 1), pp. 70-2, 1997/Jul. | Journal Article
Sequencing, analysis and expression in Escherichia coli of a gene encoding a 15 kDa Cryptosporidium parvum protein.
Khramtsov, N VOppert, BrendaMontelone, Beth A and Upton, Steve J
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, vol. 230, (no. 1), pp. 164-6, 1997/Jan/3. | Journal Article
Luminal proteinases from Plodia interpunctella and the hydrolysis of Bacillus thuringiensis CryIA(c) protoxin
Oppert, BrendaKramer, KarlJohnson, D.Upton, Steve J and McGaughey, WH
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 26, (no. 6), pp. 571-583, 1996. | Journal Article
Altered protoxin activation by midgut enzymes from a Bacillus thuringiensis resistant strain of Plodia interpunctella.
Oppert, BrendaKramer, KarlJohnson, D.E.MacIntosh, S.C. and McGaughey, W.H.
Biochemical and biophysical research communications., vol. 198, (no. 3), pp. 940-947, 1994. | Journal Article
Avidin and streptavidin as insecticidal and growth inhibiting dietary proteins
Morgan, TDOppert, BrendaCzapla, TH and Kramer, Karl
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, vol. 69, (no. 2), pp. 97-108, 1993. | Journal Article
Dietary mixtures of cysteine and serine proteinase inhibitors exhibit synergistic toxicity toward the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum
Oppert, BrendaMorgan, TDCulbertson, C. and Kramer, Karl
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, C, vol. 105C, (no. 3), pp. 379-385, 1993. | Journal Article
Domain mapping of the retinal cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gamma -subunit. Function of the domains encoded by the three exons of the gamma -subunit gene.
Takemoto, Dolores JHurt, D.Oppert, Brenda and Cunnick, J.
Biochemical Journal, vol. 281, (no. 3), pp. 637-643, 1992. | Journal Article
Domain mapping of the retinal cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gamma-subunit. Function of the domains encoded by the three exons of the gamma-subunit gene.
Takemoto, Dolores JHurt, DOppert, Brenda and Cunnick, J
The Biochemical journal, vol. 281 ( Pt 3), pp. 637-43, 1992/Feb/1. | Journal Article
Identification of the gamma -subunit interaction sites in the retinal cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase beta -subunit.
Oppert, Brenda and Takemoto, Dolores J
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 178, (no. 2), pp. 474-479, 1991. | Journal Article
Identification of the retinal cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase inhibitory gamma-subunit interaction sites on the catalytic alpha-subunit (Dissertation)
Oppert, Brenda (1991).
Identification of the retinal cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase inhibitory gamma-subunit interaction sites on the catalytic alpha-subunit.
Oppert, BrendaCunnick, J MHurt, D and Takemoto, Dolores J
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 266, (no. 25), pp. 16607-13, 1991/Sep/5. | Journal Article
Incorporation of exogenous uracil by Cryptosporidium parvum in vitro.
Upton, Steve JTilley, M.Mitschler, RR and Oppert, Brenda
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, vol. 29, (no. 5), pp. 1062-1065, 1991. | Journal Article
Retinal cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase gamma-subunit: use of mutant synthetic peptides to define function.
Oppert, BrendaGonzalez, KHurt, DCunnick, J and Takemoto, D
Biochemical and biophysical research communications, vol. 181, (no. 1), pp. 306-9, 1991/Nov/27. | Journal Article
Binding of the gamma-subunit of retinal rod-outer-segment phosphodiesterase with both transducin and the catalytic subunits of phosphodiesterase.
Cunnick, J MHurt, DOppert, BrendaSakamoto, K and Takemoto, Dolores J
The Biochemical journal, vol. 271, (no. 3), pp. 721-7, 1990/Nov/1. | Journal Article
Interaction of the gamma-subunit of retinal rod outer segment phosphodiesterase with transducin. Use of synthetic peptides as functional probes.
Morrison, D FCunnick, J MOppert, Brenda and Takemoto, Dolores J
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 264, (no. 20), pp. 11671-81, 1989/Jul/15. | Journal Article
FMN-agarose chromatography material for use in isoenzyme studies of bacterial luciferase (Dissertation)
Oppert, Brenda (1986).