
Area(s) of Specialization: DNA metabolism, including DNA repair, replication, genetic recombination, and mutagenesis

My research laboratory (currently not active and not accepting graduate students) used the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) to investigate the basis of mutations conferring phenotypes of increased mutation and recombination.

In recent years, I directed projects on biology and public health education and increasing participation by girls, women, and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Subject areas: Genetics, Developmental and Cell Biology

Research: Studies genes involved in DNA repair in yeast whose counterparts help prevent cancer in humans

Past Affiliations
Biological Science
PhD, University of Rochester, Biology, 1982
teacher education minority education health and medicine biological sciences mutagenesis molecular genetics dna repair professor one health gender equity in stem
American Society for Microbiology
Association for Women in Science
Genetics Society of America
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society