68 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Dichotomous Disorder versus Excitonic Splitting of the B800 Band of Allochromatium vinosum.
Kell, AdamKhmelnitskiy, AntonJassas, Mahboobe and Jankowiak, Ryszard J
The journal of physical chemistry letters, July 9, 2018. | Journal Article
Challenges facing an understanding of the nature of low-energy excited states in photosynthesis.
Reimers, Jeffrey RReimers, Jeffrey RReimers, J.R.Reimers, Jeffrey RBiczysko, MalgorzataBiczysko, M.Biczysko, MalgorzataBiczysko, MalgorzataBruce, DouglasBruce, DouglasBruce, D.Bruce, DouglasCoker, D.F.Coker, David FCoker, David FCoker, David FFrankcombe, Terry JFrankcombe, Terry JFrankcombe, T.J.Frankcombe, Terry JHashimoto, HidekiHashimoto, HidekiHashimoto, H.Hashimoto, HidekiHauer, J.Hauer, JürgenHauer, JürgenHauer, JürgenJankowiak, RyszardJankowiak, RyszardJankowiak, RyszardJankowiak, R.Kramer, TobiasKramer, T.Kramer, TobiasKramer, TobiasLinnanto, J.Linnanto, JuhaLinnanto, JuhaLinnanto, JuhaMamedov, FikretMamedov, F.Mamedov, FikretMamedov, FikretMüh, F.Müh, FrankMüh, FrankMüh, FrankRätsep, MargusRätsep, MargusRätsep, M.Rätsep, MargusRenger, ThomasRenger, T.Renger, ThomasRenger, ThomasStyring, StenbjörnStyring, StenbjörnStyring, S.Styring, StenbjörnWan, J.Wan, JianWan, JianWan, JianWang, Z.Wang, ZhuanWang, ZhuanWang, ZhuanWang-Otomo, Z.-Y.Wang-Otomo, Zheng-YuWang-Otomo, Zheng-YuWang-Otomo, Zheng-YuWeng, Yu-XiangWeng, Yu-XiangWeng, Yu-XiangWeng, Y.-X.Yang, C.Yang, ChunhongYang, ChunhongYang, ChunhongZhang, J.-P.Zhang, Jian-PingZhang, Jian-PingZhang, Jian-PingFreiberg, ArviFreiberg, ArviFreiberg, ArviFreiberg, A.Krausz, ElmarsKrausz, E.Krausz, Elmars and Krausz, Elmars
Biochimica et biophysica acta, vol. 1857, (no. 9), pp. 1627-1640, September 2016. | Journal Article
Effect of Spectral Density Shapes on the Excitonic Structure and Dynamics of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson Trimer from Chlorobaculum tepidum.
Kell, AdamBlankenship, Robert E and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 120, (no. 31), pp. 6146-6154, August 11, 2016. | Journal Article
On the Conflicting Estimations of Pigment Site Energies in Photosynthetic Complexes: A Case Study of the CP47 Complex
Reinot, TonuChen, JinhaiKell, AdamJassas, MahboobeRobben, KevinZazubovich, Valter and Jankowiak, Ryszard
Analytical Chemistry Insights, vol. 11, pp. 35-48, 2016. | Journal Article
Comments on the optical lineshape function: application to transient hole-burned spectra of bacterial reaction centers.
Reppert, MikeReppert, MikeKell, AdamKell, AdamPruitt, ThomasPruitt, ThomasJankowiak, Ryszard and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The Journal of chemical physics, vol. 142, (no. 9), pp. 094111, March 7, 2015. | Journal Article
Critical assessment of the emission spectra of various photosystem II core complexes.
Chen, JinhaiKell, AdamAcharya, KhemKupitz, ChristopherFromme, Petra and Jankowiak, Ryszard
Photosynthesis research, vol. 124, (no. 3), pp. 253-265, June 2015. | Journal Article
Does the singlet minus triplet spectrum with major photobleaching band near 680-682 nm represent an intact reaction center of Photosystem II?
Chauvet, AdrienChauvet, AdrienJankowiak, RyszardJankowiak, RyszardKell, AdamKell, AdamPicorel, RafaelPicorel, RafaelSavikhin, Sergei and Savikhin, Sergei
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 119, (no. 2), pp. 448-455, January 15, 2015. | Journal Article
Probing environment fluctuations by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy of molecular systems at temperatures below 5 K.
Rancova, OlgaJankowiak, Ryszard and Abramavicius, Darius
The Journal of chemical physics, vol. 142, (no. 21), pp. 212428, June 7, 2015. | Journal Article
Effect of the LHCII pigment-protein complex aggregation on photovoltaic properties of sensitized TiO2 solar cells.
Yang, YiqunJankowiak, RyszardLin, ChenPawlak, KrzysztofReus, MichaelHolzwarth, Alfred R and Li, Jun
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, vol. 16, (no. 38), pp. 20856-20865, October 14, 2014. | Journal Article
On destabilization of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex of Chlorobaculum tepidum.
Kell, AdamAcharya, KhemBlankenship, Robert E and Jankowiak, Ryszard
Photosynthesis research, vol. 120, (no. 3), pp. 323-329, June 2014. | Journal Article
Modeling of optical spectra of the light-harvesting CP29 antenna complex of photosystem II--part II.
Feng, XimaoKell, AdamPieper, Jörg and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 117, (no. 22), pp. 6593-602, 2013/Jun/6. | Journal Article
On the shape of the phonon spectral density in photosynthetic complexes.
Kell, AdamKell, AdamFeng, XimaoFeng, XimaoReppert, MikeReppert, MikeJankowiak, Ryszard and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 117, (no. 24), pp. 7317-7323, June 20, 2013. | Journal Article
Spectroscopic study of the light-harvesting CP29 antenna complex of photosystem II--part I.
Feng, XimaoPan, XiaoweiLi, MeiPieper, JörgChang, Wenrui and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 117, (no. 22), pp. 6585-92, 2013/Jun/6. | Journal Article
Direct synthesis of aqueous quantum dots through 4,4'-bipyridine-based twin ligand strategy.
Kalita, MausamCingarapu, SreeramRoy, SantanuPark, Seok CHiggins, Daniel AJankowiak, RyszardChikan, ViktorKlabunde, Kenneth J and Bossmann, Stefan
Inorganic chemistry, vol. 51, (no. 8), pp. 4521-6, 2012/Apr/16. | Journal Article
Electron transfer in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers containing Zn-bacteriochlorophylls: a hole-burning study.
Neupane, BhanuNeupane, BhanuJaschke, Paul RJaschke, PaulSaer, RafaelSaer, RafaelBeatty, John TBeatty, J. ThomasReppert, MikeReppert, MikeJankowiak, Ryszard J and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 116, (no. 10), pp. 3457-66, 2012/Mar/15. | Journal Article
Primary electron donor(s) in isolated reaction center of photosystem II from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Acharya, KhemAcharya, KhemZazubovich, ValterZazubovich, ValterReppert, MikeReppert, MikeJankowiak, Ryszard and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 116, (no. 16), pp. 4860-4870, April 26, 2012. | Journal Article
Site energies of active and inactive pheophytins in the reaction center of Photosystem II from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Acharya, KNeupane, BZazubovich, ValterSayre, R TPicorel, RSeibert, M and Jankowiak, Ryszard J
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 116, (no. 12), pp. 3890-9, 2012/Mar/29. | Journal Article
Spectral hole burning, recovery, and thermocycling in chlorophyll-protein complexes: distributions of barriers on the protein energy landscape.
Najafi, MehdiHerascu, NicoletaSeibert, MichaelPicorel, RafaelJankowiak, Ryszard J and Zazubovich, Valter
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 116, (no. 38), pp. 11780-90, 2012/Sep/27. | Journal Article
Effects of the distributions of energy or charge transfer rates on spectral hole burning in pigment-protein complexes at low temperatures.
Herascu, NicoletaAhmouda, SomayaPicorel, RafaelSeibert, MichaelJankowiak, Ryszard J and Zazubovich, Valter
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 115, (no. 50), pp. 15098-109, 2011/Dec/22. | Journal Article
Influence of C-5 substituted cytosine and related nucleoside analogs on the formation of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-dG adducts at CG base pairs of DNA
Guza, RebeccaKotandeniya, DelshaneeMurphy, KristopherDissanayake, ThakshilaLin, ChenGiambasu, George MLad, Rahul RWojciechowski, FilipAmin, ShantuSturla, Shana JHudson, Robert HYork, Darrin MJankowiak, RyszardJones, Roger and Tretyakova, Natalia Y
Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 39, (no. 9), pp. 3988-4006, 2011. | Journal Article
Integrated microfluidic device for the separation and electrochemical detection of catechol estrogen-derived DNA adducts.
Bani-Yaseen, Abdulilah DBani-Yaseen, Abdulilah DawoudKawaguchi, ToshikazuKawaguchi, ToshikazuPrice, Alexander KPrice, Alexander K.Culbertson, Christopher T.Culbertson, Christopher TJankowiak, Ryszard J and Jankowiak, Ryszard
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, vol. 399, (no. 1), pp. 519-24, 2011/Jan. | Journal Article
Low-temperature frequency domain study of excitation energy transfer in ethynyl-linked chlorophyll trefoils and aggregates.
Neupane, BhanuDang, Nhan CKelley, Richard FWasielewski, Michael R and Jankowiak, Ryszard J
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 115, (no. 35), pp. 10391-9, 2011/Sep/8. | Journal Article
On stabilization of a neutral aromatic ligand by π-cation interactions in monoclonal antibodies.
Lin, ChenChinnappan, RajaAcharya, KhemPellequer, Jean-Luc and Jankowiak, Ryszard J
Biophysical chemistry, vol. 154, (no. 1), pp. 35-40, 2011/Feb. | Journal Article
Site selective and single complex laser-based spectroscopies: a window on excited state electronic structure, excitation energy transfer, and electron-phonon coupling of selected photosynthetic complexes.
Jankowiak, RyszardJankowiak, Ryszard JReppert, MikeReppert, MikeZazubovich, ValterZazubovich, ValterPieper, JörgPieper, JörgReinot, Tonu and Reinot, Tonu
Chemical reviews, vol. 111, (no. 8), pp. 4546-98, 2011/Aug/10. | Journal Article
Spectroscopic study of the CP43' complex and the PSI-CP43' supercomplex of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803.
Feng, XimaoNeupane, BhanuAcharya, KhemZazubovich, ValterPicorel, RafaelSeibert, Michael and Jankowiak, Ryszard
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 115, (no. 45), pp. 13339-13349, November 17, 2011. | Journal Article