KCNQ1 trafficking
Trafficking of proteins targeted for the apical or basolateral cell surface or for secretion is of great interest and critical to the function of polarized epithelia. The information that targets a protein to a specific cell surface domain may be an intrinsic property of the protein itself or may involve accessory proteins. We are using a multidisciplinary approach to understand macromolecular signaling complexes and their role in regulation and targeting of the KCNQ1 potassium channel in variety of epithelial tissues. KCNQ1 is expressed on the apical or basolateral surfaces, depending on the tissue, suggesting that accessory proteins are involved in targeting. We are studying whether KCNE and AKAP (A-kinase anchoring proteins) families play a role in tissue specific targeting of KCNQ1. Our approaches include NMR, molecular modeling/graphics, proteomics, electrophysiology and confocal microscopy. This work is currently funded through the KSU-COBRE ?Epithelial Function in Health and Disease?.

Stem cells from umbilical cord matrix
Umbilical cord matrix stem cells possess many of the properties of other types of stem cells including expression of c-Kit, the stem cell factor receptor, Oct-4, a transcription factor important for maintaining pluripotency and telomerase, an enzyme that inhibits cell senescence by preventing telomere shortening. We are defining the factors that maintain Wharton?s jelly cells in an undifferentiated, highly proliferative state as well as those that might instruct them to differentiate into different types of cells. We are looking at the signal transduction pathways and transcription factors involved in stem cell proliferation and differentiation using proteomics. We have defined conditions under which clonal populations of highly proliferative Wharton?s jelly cells thrive and can readily differentiate them into neurons in vitro. We are studying the electrical excitability of these cells after differentiation to determine whether they have voltage and neurotransmitter-gated channels as well as whether they can generate action potentials. We are currently working towards differentiating umbilical cord matrix cells into other cells types including cardiac muscle, endothelial cells and insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells.

This work is currently funded by a First Award from the Cancer Therapeutics COBRE at KU.

KCNQ1 trafficking
Trafficking of proteins targeted for the apical or basolateral cell surface or for secretion is of great interest and critical to the function of polarized epithelia. The information that targets a protein to a specific cell surface domain may be an intrinsic property of the protein itself or may involve accessory proteins. We are using a multidisciplinary approach to understand macromolecular signaling complexes and their role in regulation and targeting of the KCNQ1 potassium channel in variety of epithelial tissues. KCNQ1 is expressed on the apical or basolateral surfaces, depending on the tissue, suggesting that accessory proteins are involved in targeting. We are studying whether KCNE and AKAP (A-kinase anchoring proteins) families play a role in tissue specific targeting of KCNQ1. Our approaches include NMR, molecular modeling/graphics, proteomics, electrophysiology and confocal microscopy. This work is currently funded through the KSU-COBRE ?Epithelial Function in Health and Disease?.

Stem cells from umbilical cord matrix
Umbilical cord matrix stem cells possess many of the properties of other types of stem cells including expression of c-Kit, the stem cell factor receptor, Oct-4, a transcription factor important for maintaining pluripotency and telomerase, an enzyme that inhibits cell senescence by preventing telomere shortening. We are defining the factors that maintain Wharton?s jelly cells in an undifferentiated, highly proliferative state as well as those that might instruct them to differentiate into different types of cells. We are looking at the signal transduction pathways and transcription factors involved in stem cell proliferation and differentiation using proteomics. We have defined conditions under which clonal populations of highly proliferative Wharton?s jelly cells thrive and can readily differentiate them into neurons in vitro. We are studying the electrical excitability of these cells after differentiation to determine whether they have voltage and neurotransmitter-gated channels as well as whether they can generate action potentials. We are currently working towards differentiating umbilical cord matrix cells into other cells types including cardiac muscle, endothelial cells and insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells.

This work is currently funded by a First Award from the Cancer Therapeutics COBRE at KU.
Proteomics analysis of synovial fluids
We are currently studying the protein expression profile of equine and canine synovial fluids in animals with tendon or ligament injuries. These are being compared to the protein expression profiles in healthy animals. Our hope is to gain understanding or the role of metalloproteinases (MMPs) in these types of injuries and to identify other novel proteins that may be involved in pathology. Dr. Brenda Salinardi and Dr. Melinda Story who are conducting this research in my laboratory are participants in the Clinical Resident Research Program sponsored by the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.

Modeling of channel-forming peptides based on the brain inhibitory glycine receptor.
Electrophysiology, Polarized Epithelia, Potassium Channels, Protein Trafficking, Proteomics, Stem Cells
Stem cells can be a powerful tool in drug discovery, as a mechanism for screening compunds for toxicity or effects on proliferation and also in specific design of cytokine and morphogen mimetics.
Umbilical cord stem cells and their potential in cell-based therapies and drug discovery.
Past Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Anatomy & Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University
1999 - 2003

Assistant Professor, Pharmacology & Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, University of Kansas (past)

PhD, University of Nevada, Reno, Biochemistry, 1997
BS, University of Nevada, Reno, Biochemistry, 1992
electrophysiology stem cells anatomy biochemistry & molecular biology physiology proteomics
English, Spanish

Tripos North America Educator Challenge, 2002

Phi Zeta Day First Place Basic Research Presentation, Kansas State University, 1998

NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention, University of Nevada, Reno, 1994

College of Agriculture Graduate Scholarship, University of Nevada, Reno, 1994

College of Agriculture Graduate Scholarship, University of Nevada, Reno, 1993

NSF Research for Undergraduates (REU) Fellowship, University of Nevada, Reno, 1992

Charles Heisler Award for Outstanding Senior in Biochemistry, University of Nevada, Reno, 1992

Academic Scholarship, University of Nevada, Reno, 1991-1992

Research SCholarship, University of Nevada, Reno, 1991-1992

Academic Scholarship, University of Nevada, Reno, 1990-1991

American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society for Cell Biology
Biophysical Society