
Dr. Young's primary research program involves the study of decision making in dynamic environments. He is currently studying (a) the variables that influence the identification of causes in continuously unfolding environments and (b) the situational and individual variables related to impulsive and risky choice in video game environments. He continues to integrate his background in computer science with his interest in psychology through the development of computational models of environment-behavior relations. Dr. Young's love of mathematics also is revealed by his occasional side project evaluating various statistical and design methods using Monte Carlo simulation.

Keywords: Cognitive Psychology, Statistics, Judgment and Decision Making, Causality

My primary lines of research fall into the area of judgment and decision making, especially in complex dynamic environments (typically, video game tasks). 



  • Cognitive/Human Factors
  • Judgment and Decision Making & Human-Computer Interaction
Past Affiliations

Department Head, Department of Psychological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale (past)

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale (past)

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale (past)

Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Iowa (past)

PhD, University of Minnesota, Psychology, 1995
MS, University of Minnesota, Computer Science, 1991
BS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science, 1984
decision sciences psychology cognitive science human learning and memory cognitive psychology experimental psychology cognitive or behavioral models brain

Fellow, Division 3, American Psychological Association (APA), 2005

Fellow, Association for Psychological Science, 2021

Association for Psychological Science
Midwestern Psychological Association
Psychonomic Society
Society for Judgment and Decision Making