
Perić’s research has focused primarily on strain localization in pressure sensitive materials ranging from monophasic soils, saturated soils, and most recently variably saturated soils and fiber reinforced cementitious composites.

Perić’s research also includes computational modeling of soil structure interaction in environmentally sensitive structures such as integral bridges and thermally active geotechnical systems (energy foundations).

he most recent Perić’s work includes geotechnical reconnaissance of an extensive cover-collapse sinkhole phenomena associated with an earthquake sequence.

Research Interests: Experimental and computational modeling of localized deformation and failure, and instabilities in geo-materials; Scientifically based modeling and development of innovative and sustainable reinforcement systems for civil infrastructure materials; Computational modeling of integral bridges and sustainable bridge design; Characterization of asphalt interfaces subjected to static and dynamic loading; Experimental and computational modeling of geo-materials subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading; Soil structure interaction.

Past Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado at Denver (past)

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, Kansas State University

Civil Engineering
PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder, Civil Engineering, 1990
MS, University of Colorado at Boulder, Civil Engineering, 1988