Dr. Lee’s research focus is primarily on workplace safety, health, and well-being. Specifically, he holds research interests in safety climate assessment and management in high-risk industries, analysis of risk perception styles of temporary workers, work system improvement through the perspectives of macroergonomics and Total Worker Health™, and application of advanced quantitative methodology in multidisciplinary research efforts. Currently, he is a principal investigator for a project about the design of safety climate intervention based on socio-technical systems approach. Also, he is interested in data visualization and application of machine learning approaches to I/O psychology.
Areas of Interests
- Occupational safety and health management: safety climate, risk perception, occupational safety and health disparities, behavioral epidemiology
- Human factors and ergonomics: socio-technical system approach, effective organizational safety feedback system, participatory ergonomics
- Quantitative research methods: mixed effect modeling, structural equation modeling, machine learning (Bayesian network), data visualization
- Industrial/Organizational
- Occupational Health Psychology, Ergonomics, & Quantitative Research Methods