4 Publications
Factors affecting sperm recovery rates and survival after centrifugation of equine semen.
Ferrer, Maria SoledadLyle, S KEilts, B EEljarrah, A H and Paccamonti, D L
Theriogenology, vol. 78, (no. 8), pp. 1814-23, 2012/Nov. | Journal Article
Persistent Breeding-Induced Endometritis after Hysteroscopic Insemination in the Mare
Ferrer, Maria SoledadLyle, SKPaccamonti, DLEilts, BEHosgood, G. and Godke, RA
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 47, (no. 5), pp. 732-739, Oct 2012. | Journal Article
Theriogenology question of the month. Segmental aplasia of the uterine horn with mucometra.
Ferrer, Maria SoledadFerrer, M.S.Ferrer, MariaAnderson, DavidAnderson, D.E.Anderson, David EJones, MeredythJones, M.L.Jones, Meredyth LMiesner, MattMiesner, Matt DMiesner, M.D.Raudsepp, TerjeRaudsepp, TerjeRaudsepp, T.Avila, FelipeAvila, FelipeAvila, F.Kutzler, Michelle AKutzler, Michelle and Kutzler, M.A.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 241, (no. 6), pp. 697-700, 2012/Sep/15. | Journal Article
Xenogeneic transplantation of equine testicular cells into seminiferous tubules of immunocompetent rats.
Ferrer, Maria SoledadLutjemeier, B JKoopman, TPierucci Alves, Fernando and Weiss, Mark L
Theriogenology, vol. 75, (no. 7), pp. 1258-64, 2011/Apr/15. | Journal Article