
Her scholarship program centers on 1) the research and design of functional and protective apparel items utilizing innovative technologies, 2) research and design related to apparel sizing, fit and comfort, and 3) consumer studies such as apparel shopping behaviors and wardrobe management strategies.

Specifically, her research interests include 1) development of personal protective equipment and functional clothing, 2) anthropometric assessment of body shapes and investigation of the relationship between the physical body and clothing choices, 3) data-driven optimization of apparel sizing systems using advanced optimization techniques, and 4) intelligent apparel patternmaking and 3D virtual apparel design/fitting.

Textiles and Apparel, Interior Architecture
PhD, Cornell University, Apparel Design, 2016
MPhil, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China, Textile and Fashion Technology, 2012
BEng, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China, Fashion Design and Technology, 2009