We aim to (i) Explore physiological mechanisms and identify promising traits that can help enhance abiotic stress resilience in field crops; (ii) Employ classical physiological methods and high throughput phenotyping approaches to capture wide genetic diversity (including landraces and wild accessions) for the traits of interest; (iii) Integrate phenome to genome, to identify effective and stable genomic regions that can induce a quantum leap in abiotic stress resilience; (iv) Develop outputs that can make quantifiable impact on the growers field.
- Wheat
- Post flowering high night temperature impacts on wheat yield and quality
- High daytime temperature stress impacts on seed-set and seed weight
- Sorghum
- Early vegetative stage cold tolerance
- Post flowering drought stress impacts on yield
- Heat stress impacts on reproductive organs and yield
- Rice
- Understanding the relevance of stay-green trait during grain-filling under heat stress
- Utilizing machine learning to identify and quantify chalkiness in seeds
- Soybeans
- Yield and quality tradeoffs under varying climatic conditions
- Establishing high throughput platform to enhance quality of beans
- Corn
- Heat and drought stress impact during grain-filling stage
- Canola
- Heat and drought stress induced changes in canola oil and yield
Expertise: Studies mechanisms inducing abiotic (heat, water-deficit and chilling) stress resilience in field crops.