
The goal of my research is to investigate how ecological and evolutionary processes shape functional diversity in nature by giving rise to various physiological and biochemical pathways that ultimately allow organisms to survive under stressful environmental conditions. I am interested in exploring physiological responses to environmental stress using both intra-and interspecific comparisons to investigate to investigate what mechanisms allow some organisms to be more tolerant to stress than others. To address these questions, I integrate genetics, biochemistry, physiology, and ecology in the lab and field.

My research explores the physiological mechanisms of adaptation along environmental gradients, with emphasis on understanding how organisms cope with and are shaped by their environment.

Research interests:

  • Metabolic Physiology in Sulfidic Habitats
  • Mechanisms of Detoxification in Sulfidic Environments
  • Evolution of Oxygen Transport
Biological Science
BS, University of Illinois , Integrative Biology, 2015