16 Publications
Identification of C3b-Binding Small-Molecule Complement Inhibitors Using Cheminformatics
Garcia, Brandon LGarcia, Brandon LAndrew, Skaff DAndrew, Skaff DHanning, AndersHanning, AndersWalker, John KWalker, John KWyckoff, Gerald JWyckoff, Gerald JGeisbrecht, Brian V and Geisbrecht, Brian V
The Journal of Immunology, vol. 198, (no. 9), pp. 3705-3718, May 1, 2017. | Journal Article
Borrelia burgdorferi BBK32 Inhibits the Classical Pathway by Blocking Activation of the C1 Complement Complex.
Garcia, Brandon LZhi, HuiWager, BeauHöök, Magnus and Skare, Jon T
PLoS pathogens, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. e1005404, January 2016. | Journal Article
Novel Evasion Mechanisms of the Classical Complement Pathway.
Garcia, Brandon LZwarthoff, Seline ARooijakkers, Suzan H M and Geisbrecht, Brian V
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), vol. 197, (no. 6), pp. 2051-2060, September 15, 2016. | Journal Article
Attenuation of Staphylococcus aureus-Induced Bacteremia by Human Mini-Antibodies Targeting the Complement Inhibitory Protein Efb.
Georgoutsou-Spyridonos, MariaRicklin, DanielPratsinis, HarisPerivolioti, EustathiaPirmettis, IoannisGarcia, Brandon LGeisbrecht, Brian VFoukas, Periklis GLambris, John DMastellos, Dimitrios C and Sfyroera, Georgia
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), vol. 195, (no. 8), pp. 3946-3958, October 15, 2015. | Journal Article
Identification of peptidic inhibitors of the alternative complement pathway based on Staphylococcus aureus SCIN proteins.
Summers, Brady JGarcia, Brandon LWoehl, Jordan LRamyar, Kasra XYao, Xiaolan and Geisbrecht, Brian V
Molecular immunology, vol. 67, (no. 2 Pt B), pp. 193-205, October 2015. | Journal Article
Initiating protease with modular domains interacts with β-glucan recognition protein to trigger innate immune response in insects.
Takahashi, DaisukeGarcia, Brandon L and Kanost, Michael R
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 112, (no. 45), pp. 13856-13861, November 10, 2015. | Journal Article
The extracellular adherence protein from Staphylococcus aureus inhibits the classical and lectin pathways of complement by blocking formation of the C3 proconvertase.
Woehl, Jordan LStapels, Daphne A CGarcia, Brandon LRamyar, Kasra XKeightley, AndrewRuyken, MaartjeSyriga, MariaSfyroera, GeorgiaWeber, Alexander BZolkiewski, MichalRicklin, DanielLambris, John DRooijakkers, Suzan H M and Geisbrecht, Brian V
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), vol. 193, (no. 12), pp. 6161-6171, December 15, 2014. | Journal Article
A structurally dynamic N-terminal helix is a key functional determinant in staphylococcal complement inhibitor (SCIN) proteins.
Garcia, Brandon LSummers, Brady JRamyar, Kasra XTzekou, ApostoliaLin, ZhuoerRicklin, DanielLambris, John DLaity, John H and Geisbrecht, Brian
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 288, (no. 4), pp. 2870-81, 2013/Jan/25. | Journal Article
Advances in understanding the structure, function, and mechanism of the SCIN and Efb families of Staphylococcal immune evasion proteins.
Garcia, Brandon LRamyar, Kasra XRicklin, DanielLambris, John D and Geisbrecht, Brian
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 946, pp. 113-33, 2012. | Journal Article
Diversity in the C3b [corrected] contact residues and tertiary structures of the staphylococcal complement inhibitor (SCIN) protein family.
Garcia, Brandon LSummers, Brady JLin, ZhuoerRamyar, Kasra XRicklin, DanielKamath, Divya VFu, Zheng-QingLambris, John D and Geisbrecht, Brian
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 287, (no. 1), pp. 628-40, 2012/Jan/2. | Journal Article
MAP1272c Encodes an NlpC/P60 Protein, an Antigen Detected in Cattle with Johne's Disease
Bannantine, John PLingle, Cari KStabel, JudithRamyar, Kasra XGarcia, Brandon LRaeber, Alex JSchacher, PascalKapur, Vivek and Geisbrecht, Brian
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, vol. 19, (no. 7), pp. 1083-1092, 2012. | Journal Article
Allosteric inhibition of complement function by a staphylococcal immune evasion protein.
Chen, HuiRicklin, DanielHammel, MichalGarcia, Brandon LMcWhorter, William JSfyroera, GeorgiaWu, You-QiangTzekou, ApostoliaLi, ShengGeisbrecht, BrianWoods, Virgil L and Lambris, John D
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 107, (no. 41), pp. 17621-6, 2010/Oct/12. | Journal Article
Convertase Inhibitory Properties of Staphylococcal Extracellular Complement-binding Protein
Jongerius, IlseGarcia, Brandon LGeisbrecht, BrianVan Strijp, Jos Avan Strijp, Jos A G and Rooijakkers, Suzan H
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 285, (no. 20), pp. 14973-14979, 2010. | Journal Article
Molecular Basis for Complement Recognition and Inhibition Determined by Crystallographic Studies of the Staphylococcal Complement Inhibitor (SCIN) Bound to C3c and C3b
Garcia, Brandon LRamyar, Kasra XTzekou, ApostoliaRicklin, DanielMcWhorter, William JLambris, John D and Geisbrecht, Brian
Journal of Molecular Biology, vol. 402, (no. 1), pp. 17-29, 2010. | Journal Article
A molecular insight into complement evasion by the staphylococcal complement inhibitor protein family.
Ricklin, DanielTzekou, ApostoliaGarcia, Brandon LHammel, MichalMcWhorter, William JSfyroera, GeorgiaWu, You-QiangHolers, MichaelHerbert, Andrew PBarlow, PaulGeisbrecht, Brian and Lambris, John D
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), vol. 183, (no. 4), pp. 2565-74, 2009/Aug/15. | Journal Article
Crystallization of human complement component C3b in the presence of a staphylococcal complement-inhibitor protein (SCIN).
Garcia, Brandon LTzekou, ApostoliaRamyar, Kasra XMcWhorter, William JRicklin, DanielLambris, John D and Geisbrecht, Brian
Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications, vol. 65, (no. Pt 5), pp. 482-5, 2009/May/1. | Journal Article