
I'm involved in the study, 'Breast cancer literacy and health beliefs related to breast cancer screening among American Indian women'.

Her research has focused on improving psychological, social, and physical health amog older adults. The research topics include health disparities and cancer health literacy among minority and immigrant older adults; risk and protective factors for depressive symptoms among older caregivers of HIV children; technology use, acceptance, and the psychological well-being among minority older adults including American Indians and Korean Americans; social isolation, social connection, and psycho/social health of rural older adults.

Research Interests:

  • Health disparities and health literacy among minority older adults
  • Cancer health literacy and technology supported prevention programs for older immigrants
  • Technology use and psychological well-being among minority older adults
  • Stress, coping resources, and psychological health of older adults

Research: Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work – Studies cancer health disparities among ethnic/racial minority groups and culturally appropriate and technology-supported health education and intervention strategies

Past Affiliations

Research Associate, Community Engagement Institution, Wichita State University (past)

PhD Student, School of Social Work, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri-Columbia (past)

Sociology, Social Work, Anthropology
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia, Social Work, 2017
MSW, Wichita State University, 2012
BEd, Kangnam University, South Korea, 1997
social sciences aging minority older adults technology health disparity cancer mhealth asian immigrants
English, Korean

Minority Fellowship Program Fellow, Council on Social Work Education & SAMHSA, 2015 - 2017

Member of Council on Social Work Education; Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Educators Association; Korean American Social Work Educators Association; Faculty Scientist at Johnson Cancer Research Center K-State; Gerontology Faculty at Center on Aging K-State