163 Publications (Page 3 of 7)
Comments on the Institute of Medicine's 2002 report on the safety of anthrax vaccine.
Schumm, Walter RWebb, Farrell JJurich, Anthony P and Bollman, Stephan R
Psychological reports. , vol. 91, (no. 1), pp. 187-91, 2002/Aug. | Journal Article
Enhancing Learning in Statistics Classes through the Use of Concrete Historical Examples: The Space Shuttle Challenger, Pearl Harbor, and the RMS Titanic
Schumm, Walter RWebb, Farrell JCastelo, Carlos SAkagi, CynthiaJensen, Erick JDitto, Rose MSpencer-Carver, Elaine and Brown, Beverlyn F
Teaching Sociology, vol. 30, (no. 3), pp. 361-375, 2002. | Journal Article
Evaluating the AWARE Inventory as a measure of relationship factors among a sample of high school students.
Silliman, Ben and Schumm, Walter R
Psychological reports, vol. 91, (no. 2), pp. 480-4, 2002/Oct. | Journal Article
Pyridostigmine bromide and the long-term subjective health status of a sample of over 700 male Reserve Component Gulf War era veterans.
Schumm, Walter RReppert, Earl JJurich, Anthony PBollman, Stephan RWebb, Farrell JCastelo, Carlos SStever, James CKaufman, MarkDeng, Liang-YuKrehbiel, MichelleOwens, Barbara LHall, Carolyn ABrown, Beverlyn FLash, Jeanne FFink, Carol JCrow, Janet R and Bonjour, Gabriele N
Psychological reports. , vol. 90, (no. 3 Pt 1), pp. 707-21, 2002/Jun. | Journal Article
Self-reported changes in subjective health and anthrax vaccination as reported by over 900 Persian Gulf War era veterans.
Schumm, Walter RReppert, Earl JJurich, Anthony PBollman, Stephan RWebb, Farrell JCastelo, Carlos SStever, James CSanders, DianeBonjour, Gabriele NCrow, Janet RFink, Carol JLash, Jeanne FBrown, Beverlyn FHall, Carolyn AOwens, Barbara LKrehbiel, MichelleDeng, Liang-Yu and Kaufman, Mark
Psychological reports. , vol. 90, (no. 2), pp. 639-53, 2002/Apr. | Journal Article
A brief measure of intrinsic religiosity used with a sample of military veterans.
Schumm, Walter R and Rotz, P L
Psychological reports. , vol. 88, (no. 2), pp. 351-2, 2001/Apr. | Journal Article
Development of three new scales for assessing clients' perspectives on premarital counseling.
Schumm, Walter R and West, D R
Psychological reports. , vol. 88, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. 1071-4, 2001/Jun. | Journal Article
Family strengths and the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale: a factor analytic study.
Schumm, Walter RBollman, S RJurich, A P and Hatch, R C
Psychological reports. , vol. 88, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. 965-73, 2001/Jun. | Journal Article
Predicting the extent and stressfulness of problem rumors at home among Army wives of soldiers deployed overseas on a humanitarian mission.
Schumm, Walter RBell, D B and Knott, B
Psychological reports, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 123-34, 2001/Aug. | Journal Article
Pyridostigmine bromide and the long-term subjective health status of a sample of female reserve component Gulf War veterans: a brief report.
Schumm, Walter RReppert, E JJurich, A PBollman, S RCastelo, CSanders, D and Webb, F J
Psychological reports, vol. 88, (no. 1), pp. 306-8, 2001/Feb. | Journal Article
Recent research on family factors and readiness: implications for military leaders.
Schumm, Walter RBell, D B and Resnick, G
Psychological reports, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 153-65, 2001/Aug. | Journal Article
The Admiral's Son with an Independent Spirit
Schumm, Walter R
Marriage & Family Review, vol. 31, (no. 3/4), pp. 155, Dec 31, 2001. | Journal Article
Characteristics of families of soldiers who return prematurely from overseas deployments: an assessment from Operation Restore Hope (Somalia).
Schumm, Walter RBell, D B and Knott, B
Psychological reports, vol. 86, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. 1267-72, 2000/Jun. | Journal Article
Effects of a military overseas peacekeeping deployment on marital quality, satisfaction, and stability.
Schumm, Walter RBell, D B and Gade, P A
Psychological reports, vol. 87, (no. 3 Pt 1), pp. 815-21, 2000/Dec. | Journal Article
Factors associated with spouses moving away from their military installation during an overseas deployment.
Schumm, Walter RBell, D B and Knott, B
Psychological reports, vol. 86, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. 1275-82, 2000/Jun. | Journal Article
Marriage preparation programs: A literature review
Silliman, Ben and Schumm, Walter R
Family Journal, vol. 8, (no. 2), pp. 133-142, Apr 2000. | Journal Article
Perceived premarital counseling outcomes among recently married army personnel.
Schumm, Walter RSilliman, B and Bell, D B
Journal of sex & marital therapy, vol. 26, (no. 2), pp. 177-86, 2000 Apr-Jun. | Journal Article
Psychology of the scientist: LXXXIII. An assessment of Herek's critique of the Cameron group's survey studies.
Schumm, Walter R
Psychological reports. , vol. 87, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. 1123-32, 2000/Dec. | Journal Article
Soldiers at risk for individual readiness or morale problems during a six-month peacekeeping deployment to the Sinai.
Schumm, Walter R and Bell, D B
Psychological reports, vol. 87, (no. 2), pp. 623-33, 2000/Oct. | Journal Article
Understanding mail survey response rates among male reserve component Gulf War era veterans.
Schumm, Walter RBollman, S RJurich, A PCastelo, CSanders, D and Webb, F J
Psychological reports. , vol. 87, (no. 3 Pt 1), pp. 859-80, 2000/Dec. | Journal Article
Economic and social-psychological factors as a function of social functioning status among low-income women in Kansas
Steffens, P. D., & Schumm, W. R. and Schumm, Walter R
(pp. 657-661). April 1999
Improving practice in marriage education
Silliman, B., & Schumm, W. R. and Schumm, Walter R
(pp. 23-43). Jan 1999
The Desert Fax: A Research Note on Calling Home from Somalia
Bell, D. BSchumm, Walter RKnott, Benjamin and Ender, Morten G
Armed Forces & Society, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 509-521, 1999. | Journal Article
Attitudes of Reserve Component Servicemembers regarding the consequences of frequent overseas deployments
Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., Stever, J. A., Sanders, D., Castelo, C., & Bollman, S. R. and Schumm, Walter R
(pp. 983-989). 1998
Gender and marital satisfaction: data from the National Survey of Families and Households
Schumm, W. R., Webb, F. J., & Bollman, S. R. and Schumm, Walter R
(pp. 319-327). 1998