3 Grants
SGER: Exploratory research on complex network approach to epidemic spreading in rural regions
Easton, ToddScoglio, Caterina and Schumm, Walter
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences, Division of Social and Economic Sciences (ID: 0841112), $50,001USD, 09/01/2008 -- 08/31/2009
Health, marital, and employment outcomes of Desert Storm Service
Schumm, Walter R
Center For Study Of Veterans In Society Through State Of Ohio, $60,109, Feb 1, 1996 -- May 15, 1997
Church Growth and Attitudes of Current/Former Members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Schumm, Walter R
Eli Lilly Foundation Through Christian Theological Seminary, $18,000, Aug 15, 1988 -- Dec 15, 1989