
Tonsor’s current efforts are primarily devoted to a range of integrated research and extension activities with particular focus on the cattle/beef and swine/pork industries. His broader interests cover aspects throughout the meat supply chain ranging from production level supply issues to end-user consumer demand issues.

Areas of Specialization:

  • Animal Identification and Traceability
  • Animal Well-Being, Welfare, and Handling
  • Consumer Meat and Food Demand
  • Food Safety Perceptions and Valuations
  • Livestock and Meat Economics
  • Price Analysis and Risk Management
  • Producer and Consumer Heterogeneity
  • Research Methodology

Dr. Tonsor’s current efforts are primarily devoted to a range of integrated research and extension activities with particular focus on the cattle/beef and swine/pork industries. His broader interests cover aspects throughout the meat supply chain ranging from production level supply issues to end-user consumer demand issues.

Past Affiliations

Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Michigan State University (past)

USDA National Needs Graduate Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University

Agriculture, Agriculture Business and Management, Veterinary Medicine, Economics
PhD, Kansas State University, Agricultural Economics, 2006
BS, Missouri State University, Agriculture Business, Finance, 2001
livestock & animal science agricultural marketing agribusiness consumer behavior agricultural economics

USDA National Needs Graduate Fellow, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Kansas State University), 2002-2006

American Agricultural Economics Association
Southern Agricultural Economics Association
Western Agricultural Economics Association