
Brett has conducted extensive research on peacemaking and peace-building enterprises within divided societies. Recent publications have examined the role of regional and international peace funding programs within conflict zones and also paramilitary influence within communities. Current research endeavors are focused on the role of civil society in the design and implementation of peace agreements. Additional ongoing project topics include: youth engagement in peace-building, systems mapping of peace processes, and remembrance and memorialization.

His current research interests include: peacebuilding, divided societies, post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation, and the role of civil society in developing peace agreements and contributing to peace-building processes.

Area(s) of Specialization:

  • Divided societies and civil wars
  • Emancipatory peace-building
  • Peace agreement design and implementation
Human Development, Allied Health
MA, Kansas State University, Political Science, International Relations, 2014
BS, Kansas State University, Psychology, 2012