43 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Do starting values really matter? Development of a genetic algorithm approach
Tonsor, Glynn T and Kastens, Terry
Applied Economics Letters, vol. 16, (no. 8), Jun 2009. | Journal Article
Factors Impacting Food Safety Risk Perceptions
Tonsor, Glynn TSchroeder, Ted and Pennings, Joost M
Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 60, (no. 3), pp. 625-644, 2009. | Journal Article
Production Efficiency of Specialized Swine Producers
Tonsor, Glynn T and Featherstone, Allen M
Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 493-510, Fall 2009. | Journal Article
Valuations of 'Sistainably Produced' Labels on Beef, Tomato, and Apple Products
Tonsor, Glynn T and Shupp, R.
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. [vp], 2009. | Journal Article
Valuations of 'Sustainably Produced' Labels on Beef, Tomato, and Apple Products
Tonsor, Glynn T and Shupp, Robert S
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 371-383, Dec 2009. | Journal Article
Consumer Food Safety Risk Perceptions and Attitudes: Impacts on Beef Consumption across Countries
Schroeder, TedSchroeder, TedTonsor, GlynnTonsor, Glynn TPennings, Joost MPennings, JoostMintert, James and Mintert, James
Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, vol. 7, (no. 1), 2007. | Journal Article
"Cattle Feeding Net Revenue Variability: Forecasting and Window Contract Value."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and T.C. Schroeder
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (Abstract), vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 691, 2006. | Journal Article
"Livestock Identification: Lessons for the U.S. Beef Industry From the Australian System."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and T.C. Schroeder
Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 103-118, Nov 2006. | Journal Article
European Preferences for Beef Steak Attributes
Tonsor, Glynn TSchroeder, TedFox, John A and Biere, Arlo W
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 30, (no. 2), pp. 367-380, Aug 2005. | Journal Article
Improving Cattle Basis Forecasting
Tonsor, Glynn TDhuyvetter, Kevin C and Mintert, James R
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 29, (no. 2), pp. 228-241, Aug 2004. | Journal Article
European consumer preferences for U.S. and domestic beef: willingness to pay for source verification, hormone-free, and genetically modified organism-free beef.
Tonsor, Glynn T and Schroeder, Ted
2003. | Journal Article
"Livestock Basis Forecasts: How Beneficial Is the Inclusion of Current Information?"
Tonsor, Glynn TK.C. Dhuyvetter and and J. Mintert
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (Abstract), vol. 28, (no. 3), pp. 660, Dec 2003. | Journal Article
n.d.no date or unknown
"Determinants of Academic Employment in Agricultural Economics."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and D.L. Pendell
. | Journal Article
"Do Starting Values Really Matter? Development of a Genetic Algorithm Approach."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and T. Kastens
Applied Economics Letters. | Journal Article
"Explaining Heterogeneous Responses by American and Japanese Consumers to Non-Price Effects in Meat Demand."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and T.L. Marsh
. | Journal Article
"Heterogeneous Production Efficiency of Specialized Swine Producers."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and A.M. Featherstone
. | Journal Article
"Multivariate Forecasting of Cattle Feeding Margin Variability."
Tonsor, Glynn T and and T.C. Schroeder
. | Journal Article
"The Role of Consumer Risk Perceptions and Attitudes in Cross Cultural Beef Consumption Changes."
Schroeder, T.C.Tonsor, Glynn TJ.M.E. Pennings and and J. Mintert
. | Journal Article