
Dr. Glymour specializes in the philosophy of biology.

I work in philosophy of science, with a focus on modeling in statistical sciences, especially in evolutionary and population biology. I am in general interested in mismatches between the procedures by which data are generated, the methods by which models are inferred, the mathematical form of the inferred models, the uses to which the model will be put, and the conceptions of reliability to which inferences from data to model and from model to prediction, explanation and intervention are held. My past work includes discussions of scientific inference, statistical explanation, indeterminism, the foundations of evolutionary theory, causal conceptions of natural selection and adaptation, actual causation, conceptions of evolutionary environments, and the ethics of scientific communication. My current research includes investigations of algorithmic bias and work on the conditions that permit the well-defined probability distributions required by attributions of fitness in evolutionary models.

Ecology, Philosophy, Philosophy
PhD, University of California, San Diego, Philosophy, 1995
BA, University of Pittsburgh, Philosophy, 1990
ethics in science and technology philosophy of science evolutionary theory statistical modeling causal modeling research ethics evolutionary ecology algorithmic bias