9 Publications
A Comparison of Methods for Teaching Critical Thinking Skills for U.S. Army Officers
Schumm, Walter RWebb, Farrell JTurek, David EJones, Kenneth D and Ballard, Glenn E
The American Journal of Distance Education, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 39-50, 2006. | Journal Article
Predicting self-reported exposure to nerve agents by reserve component personnel during the first Persian Gulf War.
Schumm, Walter RWebb, Farrell JBollman, Stephan RJurich, Anthony PReppert, Earl JCastelo, Carlos S and Stever, James A
Psychological reports. , vol. 94, (no. 3 Pt 1), pp. 989-92, 2004/Jun. | Journal Article
Comments on the Institute of Medicine's 2002 report on the safety of anthrax vaccine.
Schumm, Walter RWebb, Farrell JJurich, Anthony P and Bollman, Stephan R
Psychological reports. , vol. 91, (no. 1), pp. 187-91, 2002/Aug. | Journal Article
Enhancing Learning in Statistics Classes through the Use of Concrete Historical Examples: The Space Shuttle Challenger, Pearl Harbor, and the RMS Titanic
Schumm, Walter RWebb, Farrell JCastelo, Carlos SAkagi, CynthiaJensen, Erick JDitto, Rose MSpencer-Carver, Elaine and Brown, Beverlyn F
Teaching Sociology, vol. 30, (no. 3), pp. 361-375, 2002. | Journal Article
Pyridostigmine bromide and the long-term subjective health status of a sample of over 700 male Reserve Component Gulf War era veterans.
Schumm, Walter RReppert, Earl JJurich, Anthony PBollman, Stephan RWebb, Farrell JCastelo, Carlos SStever, James CKaufman, MarkDeng, Liang-YuKrehbiel, MichelleOwens, Barbara LHall, Carolyn ABrown, Beverlyn FLash, Jeanne FFink, Carol JCrow, Janet R and Bonjour, Gabriele N
Psychological reports. , vol. 90, (no. 3 Pt 1), pp. 707-21, 2002/Jun. | Journal Article
Self-reported changes in subjective health and anthrax vaccination as reported by over 900 Persian Gulf War era veterans.
Schumm, Walter RReppert, Earl JJurich, Anthony PBollman, Stephan RWebb, Farrell JCastelo, Carlos SStever, James CSanders, DianeBonjour, Gabriele NCrow, Janet RFink, Carol JLash, Jeanne FBrown, Beverlyn FHall, Carolyn AOwens, Barbara LKrehbiel, MichelleDeng, Liang-Yu and Kaufman, Mark
Psychological reports. , vol. 90, (no. 2), pp. 639-53, 2002/Apr. | Journal Article
Acculturation of Arab-American Immigrants: An Exploratory Study
Faragallah, Mona HSchumm, Walter R and Webb, Farrell J
Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol. 28, (no. 3), pp. 182-203, 1997. | Journal Article
Adolescents, Alienation, and AIDS: Ecological Influences on Adolescent Safer Sex Behavior (Dissertation)
Webb, Farrell J (1995).
Adolescents, alienation, and AIDS: Ecological influences on adolescent safer sex behavior (Dissertation)
Webb, Farrell J (1994).