225 Publications (Page 8 of 9)
Zhang Z, Monteiro-Riviere NA: Comparison of integrins in human skin, pig skin, and perfused skin: an in vitro skin toxicology model. Journal of Applied Toxicology 17: 247-253,1997
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
The use of mechanistically defined chemical mixtures (MDCM) to assess component effects on the percutaneous absorption and cutaneous disposition of topically exposed chemicals. I. Studies with parathion mixtures in isolated perfused porcine skin.
Qiao, G LBrooks, J DBaynes, Ronald EMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy AWilliams, P L and Riviere, Jim E
Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 141, (no. 2), pp. 473-86, 1996/Dec. | Journal Article
The use of mechanistically defined chemical mixtures (MDCM) to assess mixture component effects on the percutaneous absorption and cutaneous disposition of topically exposed chemicals. II. Development of a general dermatopharmacokinetic model for use in risk assessment
Williams, PLThompson, D.Qiao, GuiLinMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Riviere, Jim E
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 141, (no. 2), pp. 487-496, 1996. | Journal Article
Assessment of sulfur mustard interaction with basement membrane components
Zhang, Z.Peters, BP and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Cell Biology and Toxicology, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 89-101, 1995. | Journal Article
Detection of sulfur mustard bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide and metabolites after topical application in the isolated perfused porcine skin flap.
Spoo, J WMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Riviere, Jim E
Life sciences, vol. 56, (no. 17), pp. 1385-94, 1995/Mar/17. | Journal Article
Enhancing or blocking effect of fenvalerate on the subsequent percutaneous absorption of pesticides in vitro.
Chang, S.K.Brooks, J.D.Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Riviere, Jim E
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology, vol. 51, (no. 3), pp. 214-219, 1995. | Journal Article
Evaluation of protective effects of sodium thiosulfate, cysteine, niacinamide and indomethacin on sulfur mustard-treated isolated perfused porcine skin
Zhang, ZiliRiviere, Jim E and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Chemico-Biological Interactions, vol. 96, (no. 3), pp. 249-262, 1995. | Journal Article
Indirect Immunohistochemistry and Immunoelectron Microscopy Distribution of Eight Epidermal-Dermal Junction Epitopes in the Pig and in Isolated Perfused Skin Treated with Bis (2-Chloroethyl) Sulfide
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Inman, Alfred O
Toxicologic Pathology, vol. 23, (no. 3), pp. 313-325, 1995. | Journal Article
Monteiro-Riviere NA and Inman AO: Indirect immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy distribution of eight epidermal-dermal junction epitopes in the pig and in isolated perfused skin treated with bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide. Toxicologic Pathology23:313-325, 1995
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Toxicokinetics of topical sulfur mustard penetration, disposition, and vascular toxicity in isolated perfused porcine skin.
Riviere, Jim EBrooks, J DWilliams, P L and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 135, (no. 1), pp. 25-34, 1995/Nov. | Journal Article
Zhang JZ, Peters BP, Monteiro-Riviere NA: Assessment of sulfur mustard interaction with basement membrane components. Cell Biology and Toxicology 11:89-101,1995
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Determination of physicochemical properties of phenol, p-nitrophenol, acetone and ethanol relevant to quantitating their percutaneous absorption in porcine skin.
Williams, P LBrooks, J DInman, A OMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Riviere, Jim E
Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology, vol. 83, (no. 1), pp. 61-75, 1994/Jan. | Journal Article
Development and characterization of a novel skin model for cutaneous phototoxicology.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, A O and Riviere, Jim E
Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine, vol. 10, (no. 6), pp. 235-43, 1994/Dec. | Journal Article
Identification of the pathway of iontophoretic drug delivery: light and ultrastructural studies using mercuric chloride in pigs.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, A O and Riviere, Jim E
Pharmaceutical research, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 251-6, 1994/Feb. | Journal Article
Laminin in the cutaneous basement membrane as a potential target in lewisite vesication.
King, J RPeters, B P and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 126, (no. 1), pp. 164-73, 1994/May. | Journal Article
Synergistic interaction between the non-phorbol ester-type promoter mirex and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in mouse skin tumor promotion
Meyer, Sharon AKim, Tae-WonMoser, GJMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Smart, RC
Carcinogenesis, vol. 15, (no. 1), pp. 47-52, 1994. | Journal Article
Transdermal iontophoretic delivery of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH): effect of repeated administration.
Heit, M CMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy AJayes, F L and Riviere, Jim E
Pharmaceutical research, vol. 11, (no. 7), pp. 1000-3, 1994/Jul. | Journal Article
Minimal role of enhanced cell proliferation in skin tumor promotion by mirex: a nonphorbol ester-type promoter.
Meyer, Sharon AMoser, G JMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Smart, R C
Environmental health perspectives, vol. 101 Suppl 5, pp. 265-9, 1993/Dec. | Journal Article
Topical penetration of piroxicam is dependent on the distribution of the local cutaneous vasculature.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, A ORiviere, Jim EMcNeill, S C and Francoeur, M L
Pharmaceutical research, vol. 10, (no. 9), pp. 1326-31, 1993/Sep. | Journal Article
Characterization of lewisite toxicity in isolated perfused skin.
King, J RRiviere, Jim E and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 116, (no. 2), pp. 189-201, 1992/Oct. | Journal Article
Cutaneous toxicity and absorption of paraquat in porcine skin.
Srikrishna, VRiviere, Jim E and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 115, (no. 1), pp. 89-97, 1992/Jul. | Journal Article
Cutaneous toxicity and absorption of paraquat in porcine skin.
Srikrishna, V.Riviere, Jim E and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology., vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 89-97, 1992. | Journal Article
Determination of lidocaine concentrations in skin after transdermal iontophoresis: effects of vasoactive drugs.
Riviere, Jim EMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Inman, A O
Pharmaceutical research, vol. 9, (no. 2), pp. 211-4, 1992/Feb. | Journal Article
Effects of formaldehyde, DMSO, benzoyl peroxide, and sodium lauryl sulfate on isolated perfused porcine skin.
Spoo, JWRogers, RA and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
In Vitro Toxicology, vol. 5, (no. 4), pp. 251-260, 1992. | Journal Article
Enzymatic and immunohistochemical studies on the role of cytochrome P450 and the flavin-containing monooxygenase of mouse skin in the metabolism of pesticides and other xenobiotics.
Venkatesh, K.Levi, P.E.Inman, A.O.Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AMisra, R. and Hodgson, E.
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology., vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 53-66, 1992. | Journal Article