225 Publications (Page 7 of 9)
Effect of selective lipid extraction from different body regions on epidermal barrier function
Monteiro-Riviere NA, Inman AO, Mak V, Wertz P, Riviere JE and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
(pp. 992-998). 2001
Effect of selective lipid extraction from different body regions on epidermal barrier function
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, Alfred OMak, VivienWertz, Philip W and Riviere, Jim E
Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 18, (no. 7), pp. 992-8, Jul 2001. | Journal Article
Effect of selective lipid extraction from different body regions on epidermal barrier function
Monteiro-Riviere NA, Inman AO, Mak V, Wertz P, Riviere JE and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
(pp. 992-998). 2001
Effects of Short-term High-dose and Low-dose Dermal Exposure to Jet A, JP-8 and JP-8 + 100 Jet Fuels
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, A. and Riviere, Jim E
Journal of Applied Toxicology, vol. 21, (no. 6), pp. 485-494, 2001. | Journal Article
Efficacy of topical phenol decontamination strategies on severity of acute phenol chemical burns and dermal absorption: in vitro and in vivo studies in pig skin
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, AOJackson, H.Dunn, B. and Dimond, S.
Toxicology and Industrial Health, vol. 17, (no. 4), pp. 95-104, 2001. | Journal Article
Electron microscopic observations of stratum corneum intercellular lipids in normal and atopic dogs.
Inman, A OOlivry, ThierryDunston, S MMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Gatto, H
Veterinary pathology, vol. 38, (no. 6), pp. 720-3, 2001/Nov. | Journal Article
Topical L-ascorbic acid: percutaneous absorption studies.
Pinnell, S RYang, HOmar, MMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy ADeBuys, H VWalker, L CWang, Y and Levine, M
Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.], vol. 27, (no. 2), pp. 137-42, 2001/Feb. | Journal Article
Use of Methyl Salicylate as a Simulant to Predict the Percutaneous Absorption of Sulfur Mustard
Riviere, Jim ESmith, Charles EBudsaba, K.Brooks, JDOlajos, EJSalem, H. and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Journal of Applied Toxicology, vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 91-99, 2001. | Journal Article
Characterization of sulfur mustard-induced toxicity
Monteiro-Riviere, NA and Inman AO and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
(pp. 1-16). 2000
Characterization of sulfur mustard-induced toxicity
Monteiro-Riviere, NA and Inman AO and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
(pp. 1-16). 2000
Characterization of sulfur mustard-induced toxicity by enzyme histochemistry in porcine skin
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Inman, AO
Toxicology Methods, vol. 10, (no. 2), pp. 127-142, 2000. | Journal Article
Comparative in vitro dermal absorption of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE4 and NPE9) through human, porcine andf rat skin
Monteiro-Riviere NA, Van Miller JP, Simon G, Joiner RL, Brooks JD, Riviere JE and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
(pp. 49-57). 2000
Comparative in vitro dermal absorption of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE4 and NPE9) through human, porcine andf rat skin
Monteiro-Riviere NA, Van Miller JP, Simon G, Joiner RL, Brooks JD, Riviere JE and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
(pp. 49-57). 2000
Comparative in vitro percutaneous absorption of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE-4 and NPE-9) through human, porcine and rat skin
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AVan Miller, JPSimon, G.Joiner, RLBrooks, JD and Riviere, Jim E
Toxicology and Industrial Health, vol. 16, (no. 2), pp. 49-57, 2000. | Journal Article
Identification of early biomarkers of inflammation produced by keratinocytes exposed to jet fuels jet A, JP-8, and JP-8(100).
Allen, D GRiviere, Jim E and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, vol. 14, (no. 5), pp. 231-7, 2000. | Journal Article
Alteration of Cytokeratin Expression Following Transdermal Lidocaine Hydrochloride Iontophoresis
Allen, D. G and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 1487-90, Sep 1999. | Journal Article
Dermal Absorption and Distribution of Topically Dosed Jet Fuels Jet-A, JP-8, and JP-8(100)
Riviere, Jim EBrooks, JDMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy ABudsaba, K. and Smith, Charles E
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 160, (no. 1), pp. 60-75, 1999. | Journal Article
Immunohistochemical characterization of the basement membrane epitopes in bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide-induced toxicity in mouse ear skin.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, A OBabin, M C and Casillas, R P
Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. , vol. 19, (no. 5), pp. 313-28, 1999 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Comparison of an in vitro skin model to normal human skin for dermatological research.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy AInman, A OSnider, T HBlank, J A and Hobson, D W
Microscopy research and technique, vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 172-9, 1997/May/1. | Journal Article
Comparison of integrins in human skin, pig skin, and perfused skin: An in vitro skin toxicology model
Zhang, Zili and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Journal of Applied Toxicology, vol. 17, (no. 4), pp. 247-253, 1997. | Journal Article
Cutaneous toxicity of the benzidine dye direct red 28 applied as mechanistically-defined chemical mixtures (MDCM) in perfused porcine skin
Baynes, Ronald EMonteiro-Riviere, Nancy AQiao, Gui L and Riviere, Jim E
Toxicology Letters, vol. 93, (no. 2-3), pp. 159-169, 1997. | Journal Article
Introduction to histological aspects of dermatotoxicology.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Microscopy research and technique, vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 171, 1997/May/1. | Journal Article
Monteiro-Riviere NA, Inman AO, Snider TH, Blank J, Hobson DW: Comparison of an in vitro skin model to normal human skin for dermatological research. Microscopy Research and Technique 37:172-179,1997
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Transdermal peptide delivery using electroporation.
Potts, R OBommannan, DWong, OTamada, J ARiviere, Jim E and Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A
Pharmaceutical biotechnology, vol. 10, pp. 213-38, 1997. | Journal Article
Ultrastructural characterization of sulfur mustard-induced vesication in isolated perfused porcine skin.
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A and Inman, A O
Microscopy research and technique. , vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 229-41, 1997/May/1. | Journal Article