36 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Soil, forage, and weed attributes following tillage in grazed no‐tillage triticale pasture. Soil Science Society of America Journal
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Agronomic and economic implications of cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management practices for water quality improvement. Journal of Environmental Quality
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Climate Change Impacts on Rainfed Maize Yields in Kansas: Statistical vs. Process-Based Models. Agronomy
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Cover crops impact phosphorus cycling and environmental efficiency in a corn–soybean system. Agronomy Journal
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Crop rotation and tillage impact yield performance of soybean, sorghum, and wheat. Agronomy Journal
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Grain sorghum and late-emerging Palmer amaranth response to sorghum planting density and nitrogen rate in an irrigated environment. Canadian Journal of Plant Science
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Cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management impacts on surface water quality from a no-till corn-soybean rotation. Journal of Environmental Management
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Grain sink removal increases stalk juice yield, sugar accumulation, and biomass in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
Jebril, JebrilWang, DonghaiRozeboom, Kraig and Tesso, Tesfaye
Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 173, pp. 114089. | Journal Article
Lignin, sugar, and furan production of industrial hemp biomass via an integrated process. Industrial Crops and Products
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The A3 cytoplasm mediated male sterility increased biomass, soluble solids, and total sugar in sweet sorghum hybrids
Jebril, JebrilWang, DonghaiRozeboom, Kraig and Tesso, Tesfaye
Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 171, pp. 113933. | Journal Article
Reduction of Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirements and Nitrous Oxide Emissions Using Legume Cover Crops in a No-Tillage Sorghum Production System
Mahama, G. Y.Prasad, P. V. V.Roozeboom, K. L.Nippert, J. B. and Rice, C. W.
Sustainability, vol. 12, pp. 4403. | Journal Article
Soft winter wheat outyields hard winter wheat in a subhumid environment: Weather drivers, yield plasticity, and rates of yield gain
Lollato, Romulo P.Roozeboom, KraigLingenfelser, Jane F.Silva, Cristiano Lemes and Sassenrath, Gretchen
Crop Science, vol. 60, pp. 1617–1633. | Journal Article
Species and termination method effects on phosphorus loss from plant tissue
Carver, R. ElliottNelson, Nathan O.Roozeboom, Kraig L. and Kirkham, M. B.
Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 49, pp. 97–105. | Journal Article
Corn and Sorghum Comparison. All Things Considered
Winter Canola Yield and Survival as a Function of Environment, Genetics, and Management
Assefa, YaredRoozeboom, Kraig and Stamm, Michael
Crop Science, vol. 54, (no. 5), pp. 2303-2313, Sep/Oct 2014. | Journal Article
Diagnosing Corn Production Problems in Kansas
Dryland and Irrigated Corn Yield with Climate, Management, and Hybrid Changes from 1939 through 2009
Assefa, YaredRoozeboom, KraigStaggenborg, Scott and Du, Juan
Agronomy Journal, vol. 104, (no. 2), pp. 473-482, Mar 2012. | Journal Article
Dryland and irrigated corn yield with climate, management, and hybrid changes from 1939 through 2009. Agronomy Journal
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Interpreting Relationships between Soil Variables and Soybean Iron Deficiency using Factor Analysis
Liesch, A. MDiaz, DRuiz Diaz, DorivarMengel, D. B and Roozeboom, K. L
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 76, (no. 4), pp. 1311-1318, Jul 2012. | Journal Article
Interpreting relationships between soil variables and soybean iron deficiency using factor analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal
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Risk Analysis of Tillage and Crop Rotation Alternatives with Winter Wheat
Williams, JefferyPachta, MatthewRoozeboom, KraigLlewelyn, RichardClaassen, Mark and Bergtold, Jason
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 44, (no. 4), pp. 561-576, Nov 2012. | Journal Article
Risk Analysis of Tillage and Crop Rotation Alternatives with Winter Wheat. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
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Management Strategies for Increasing Soybean Yield on Soils Susceptible to Iron Deficiency
Liesch, ALiesch, A.M.Ruiz Diaz, D.A.Diaz, DMartin, K.L.Martin, KOlson, BOlson, B.L.Mengel, DMengel, D.B.Roozeboom, K.L. and Roozeboom, K
Agronomy Journal, vol. 103, (no. 6), pp. 1870-1877, Nov 2011. | Journal Article
Corn Response to Delayed Planting in the Central Great Plains
Sindelar, A.J.Roozeboom, Kraig LGordon, W.B. and Heer, W.F.
Agronomy journal., vol. 102, (no. 2), pp. 530-536, 2010. | Journal Article
Corn response to delayed planting in the central Great Plains. Agronomy Journal
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