4 Patents
n.d.no date or unknown
Methods for forming small-volume electrical contacts and material manipulations with fluidic microchannels
Jacobson, Stephen CRamsey, J. MCulbertson, Christopher TWhitten, William B and Foote, Robert S (Inventors).
Methods for forming small-volume electrical contacts and material manipulations with fluidic microchannels
Jacobson, Stephen CRamsey, J. MCulbertson, Christopher TWhitten, William B and Foote, Robert S (Inventors).
Methods for forming small-volume electrical contacts and material manipulations with fluid microchannels
Jacobson, Stephen CRamsey, J. MCulbertson, Christopher TWhitten, William B and Foote, Robert S (Inventors).
Microfluidic systems and methods of transport and lysis of cells and analysis of cell lysate
Culbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen CMcClain, Maxine A and Ramsey, J. M (Inventors).