
Griffin’s research is primarily focused around woody plants. At the Pair Center, he works on a variety of research projects including nursery production, landscape utilization and cultivar evaluations.

Dr. Griffin’s current research includes:

  • Environmental Stress Physiology – investigating landscape plant response to environmental stresses in Kansas and species/provenances with improved tolerance to such stresses
  • Landscape establishment – investigating methods to improve transplant survival and growth of landscape plants
  • Nursery Production – investigating alternative substrates for Kansas container nursery growers
  • Plant propagation – investigating sexual and asexual plant propagation practices utilizing pre-germination treatments, stock plant manipulation, and root stimulating hormones
  • Woody Plant Selection and Evaluation – identifying and evaluating species, provenances, and cultivars with improved landscape characteristics for use throughout the region

Subject areas:

  • Industrial Hemp
    • Woody ornamentals specialist
  • Turfgrass & Ornamental Specialty Crops
Horticulture, Forestry
PhD, North Carolina State University, Horticultural Science and Plant Physiology, 2002
MS, North Carolina State University, Horticulture Science, 1999
BS, Cornell University, Plant Science, 1996