
My scholarly interests lie in the area of development and evaluation of educational techniques employed for gross and microscopic anatomy. I am particularly interested in developing instructional techniques that will assist those students who have difficulty visualizing anatomy in three dimensions and visualizing anatomy from different perspectives, and in promoting active learning in large classes.

I have also been studying the relationship between spatial ability and performance in gross anatomy.

Past Affiliations

Graduate Instructor, Anatomy/Basic Medical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University (past)

Educational Professional, Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University (past)

Visiting Instructor, Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University (past)

Physiology, Human Anatomy
MS, Purdue University, Anatomy Education, 1996
DVM, Purdue University, 1988
BS, Purdue University, Biology, 1984
veterinary medicine sex roles multimedia or interactive communications technology sex differences medical education classroom instruction computer-aided instruction instructional technology educational research computer technology (medical) anatomy histology microscopic anatomy
German, Spanish

Invited speaker (Veterinary Anatomy Education), American Association of Anatomists, 2002

Invited speaker (Peer Consultation on Teaching and Course Portfolios), American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, 2001

Invited speaker (Are Spatial Ability and Gender Related to Performance in Gross Anatomy), American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, 2001

American Association of Anatomists
American Association of Veterinary Anatomists
American Educational Research Association
International Society for Plastination
National Association for Research in Science Teaching
Phi Zeta
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
World Association of Veterinary Anatomists