Biology, ecology, behavior and control of insects that affect man and animals.

Pests studied: house flies, stable flies, horn flies, face flies, cat fleas, mosquitoes.

Studies include: dispersal of flies, behavior of flies and fleas, design of traps for control offlies and fleas, biological control of flies, filth flies as vectors of animal pathogens, control of flies by conventional and novel techniques, surveillance for WNV vectors

Biology, ecology, behavior and management of insects and other arthropod pests of livestock.

Ecology, Biology, and Control of Insects Affecting Man and Animals.

My major research interests are with flies of veterinary importance, especially stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrns), face flies (Musca autumnalis), house flies (M. domestica), and horn flies (Haematobia irritans).

In addition, I conduct research on cat fleas Biology, ecology, behavior and control of insects that affect man and animals.

Pests studied: house flies, stable flies, horn flies, face flies, cat fleas, mosquitoes.

Studies include: dispersal of flies, behavior of flies and fleas, design of traps for control offlies and fleas, biological control of flies, filth flies as vectors of animal pathogens, control of flies by conventional and novel techniques, surveillance for WNV vectors

Veterinary Entomology
Evaluation of chemicals for the control of pests of man and animals.
Design and evaluation of traps for pests of man and animals.
Developmental sites of stable flies in range conditions.
Filth flies as vectors of pathogens of man and animals.
Long distance dispersal of stable flies and house flies.
PhD, University of Florida, Entomology, 1971
pest management entomology
Portuguese, Spanish
Entomological Society of America