
Research Interests

Our program is broadly grounded in synthetic inorganic and organometallic chemistry, with a focus on transition-metal systems containing multiply-bonded ligands. Of particular interest to us are organoimido transition metal complexes, of the form [LnMºN-R]. Like their isoelectronic oxo counterparts, organoimido ligands are excellent pi-donors capable of stabilizing high oxidation state metals in a variety of coordination environments.


  • Imido derivatives of polyoxometalate clusters.
  • Organoimido ligands incorporating remote functionality.
  • Organic - Inorganic Hybrid Materials: Imido Complexes as Polymer Pendants.
  • Homogeneous modeling of ammoxidation catalysis.
PhD, Indiana University, 1980
BS, Carnegie Mellon University, 1974
chemical sciences inorganic chemistry chemistry