26 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Effects of Supplemental Enzymes in Diets Containing Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles on Finishing Pig Growth Performance1
Jacela, J. YDritz, S. SDeRouchey, J. MTokach, M. DGoodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J. L
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 26, (no. 4), pp. 412-424, Aug 2010. | Journal Article
The Optimal Standardized Ileal Digestible Lysine and Total Sulfur Amino Acid Requirement for Finishing Pigs Fed Ractopamine Hydrochloride1
Frantz, N. ZTokach, M. DGoodband, Robert DDritz, S. SDeRouchey, J. MNelssen, J. L and Jones, C. L
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 25, (no. 2), pp. 161-168, Apr 2009. | Journal Article
Determining an optimum lysine:calorie ratio for barrows and gilts in a commercial finishing facility.
Main, Rodger GDritz, S.S.Tokach, M.D.Goodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J.L.
Journal of animal science., vol. 86, (no. 9), pp. 2190-2207, 2008. | Journal Article
Effect of Phytase Dosage and Source on Growth Performance and Bone Development of Nursery Pigs1
James, B WTokach, MikeGoodband, Robert DNelssen, J LDritz, S S and Lynch, G L
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 88-94, Feb 2008. | Journal Article
Effects of Feeding Growing Pigs Less or More Than Their Estimated Lysine Requirement in Early and Late Finishing on Overall Performance1
Main, Rodger GDritz, SteveTokach, MikeGoodband, Robert DNelssen, J L and DeRouchey, J M
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 76-87, Feb 2008. | Journal Article
Effects of Increasing Lysine to Calorie Ratio and Added Dietary Fat for Growing-Finishing Pigs Reared in a Commercial Environment: II. Modeling Lysine to Calorie Ratio Requirements Using Protein and Lipid Accretion Curves1,2
Llata, M. DDritz, SteveTokach, MikeGoodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J. L
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 23, (no. 4), pp. 429-437, Aug 2007. | Journal Article
Effects of increasing lysine to calorie ratio and added fat for growing-finishing pigs reared in a commercial environment: I. Growth performance and carcass characteristics.
De La Llata, M.Dritz, S.S.Tokach, M.D.Goodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J.L.
Professional animal scientist., vol. 23, (no. 4), pp. 417-428, 2007. | Journal Article
Interactive Effects Between Ractopamine Hydrochloride and Dietary Lysine on Finishing Pig Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Pork Quality, and Tissue Accretion1
Webster, M JGoodband, Robert DTokach, M DNelssen, J LDritz, S SUnruh, J ABrown, K RReal, D EDerouchey, J MWoodworth, J CGroesbeck, C N and Marsteller, T A
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 23, (no. 6), pp. 597-611, Dec 2007. | Journal Article
A partial-budgeting tool to describe the effect of lactation space and lactation-space management on net revenue in a multi-site production system.
Main, Rodger GDritz, SteveTokach, M.D.Goodband, Robert DDhuyvetter, K.C. and Nelssen, J.L.
Journal of swine health and production., vol. 13, (no. 6), pp. 322-332, 2005. | Journal Article
Comparison of yellow dent and NutriDense corn hybrids in swine diets1,2
Hastad, C. WTokach, MikeGoodband, Robert DNelssen, J. L and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 83, (no. 11), pp. 2624-2631, Nov 2005. | Journal Article
Effects of increasing calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in diets containing phytase on finishing pig growth performance.
Hanni, S.M.Tokach, MikeGoodband, Robert DDritz, SteveDerouchey, J.M. and Nelssen, Jim L
Professional animal scientist., vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 59-65, 2005. | Journal Article
Effects of in-feed antimicrobial alternatives and antimicrobials on nursery pig performance and weight variation.
Keegan, T.P.Dritz, SteveNelssen, J.L.DeRouchey, J.M.Tokach, M.D. and Goodband, Robert D
Journal of swine health and production., vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 12-18, 2005. | Journal Article
Effects of weaning age on growing-pig costs and revenue in a multi-site production system.
Main, Rodger GDritz, S.S.Tokach, M.D.Goodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J.L.
Journal of swine health and production., vol. 13, (no. 4), pp. 189-197, 2005. | Journal Article
Comparison of three methods of feeding sows in gestation and the subsequent effects on lactation performance.
Young, M.G.Tokach, M.D.Aherne, F.X.Main, Rodger GDritz, S.S.Goodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J.L.
Journal of animal science., vol. 82, (no. 10), pp. 3058-3070, 2004. | Journal Article
Comparison of wheat gluten and spray-dried animal plasma in diets for nursery pigs.
Lawrence, K.R.Goodband, Robert DTokach, M.D.Dritz, S.S.Nelssen, J.L. and DeRouchey, J.M.
Journal of animal science., vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. 3635-3645, 2004. | Journal Article
Comparison of wheat gluten and spray-dried animal plasma in diets for nursery pigs1,2
Lawrence, K. RGoodband, Robert DTokach, M. DDritz, S. S and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. 3635-3645, Dec 2004. | Journal Article
Conceptus and maternal responses to increased feed intake during early gestation in pigs.
Musser, R.E.Davis, Duane LDritz, S.S.Tokach, M.D.Nelssen, J.L.Minton, J.E. and Goodband, Robert D
Journal of animal science., vol. 82, (no. 11), pp. 3154-3161, 2004. | Journal Article
Effects of Soybean Meal Sources and Level on Growth Performance of Weanling Pigs1
Lawrence, K. RGoodband, Robert DTokach, M. DDritz, S. S and al, et
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 20, (no. 3), pp. 237-245, Jun 2004. | Journal Article
Increasing weaning age improves pig performance in a multisite production system.
Main, Rodger GDritz, S.S.Tokach, M.D.Goodband, Robert D and Nelssen, J.L.
Journal of animal science., vol. 82, (no. 5), pp. 1499-1507, 2004. | Journal Article
Phosphorus requirements of growing-finishing pigs reared in a commercial environment1,2
Hastad, C. WDritz, SteveTokach, MikeGoodband, Robert D and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 82, (no. 10), pp. 2945-2952, Oct 2004. | Journal Article
Effects of soybean meal particle size on growth performance of nursery pigs1
Lawrence, K. RHastad, C. WGoodband, Robert DTokach, M. D and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 81, (no. 9), pp. 2118-2122, Sep 2003. | Journal Article
Evaluating processing temperature and feeding value of extruded-expelled soybean meal on nursery and finishing pig growth performance1,2
Webster, M. JGoodband, Robert DTokach, M. DNelssen, J. L and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 81, (no. 8), pp. 2032-2040, Aug 2003. | Journal Article
Effect of dietary L-carnitine on growth performance and body composition in nursery and growing-finishing pigs
Owen, K. QNelssen, Jim LGoodband, Robert DTokach, Mike and Friesen, K. G
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 79, (no. 6), pp. 1509-1515, Jun 2001. | Journal Article
Sorting growing-finishing pigs by weight fails to improve growth performance or weight variation.
O'Quinn, P.R.Dritz, S.S.Goodband, Robert DTokach, MikeSwanson, J.C.Nelssen, Jim L and Musser, R.E.
Journal of swine health and production., vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 11-16, 2001. | Journal Article
Failure of dietary amino acid supplementation at weaning to influence reproductive traits of sows.
Rettmer, I.Goodband, Robert DStevenson, Jeffrey SDavis, Duane LTokach, M.D.Rozeboom, DalePettigrew, J.E.Johnston, Lee JRust, J.W. and Chester Jones, Hugh
Journal of animal science., vol. 71, (no. 9), pp. 2511-2515, 1993. | Journal Article