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Research Focus. My research interests are in population biology of terrestrial vertebrates, including conservation biology and wildlife management, evolutionary ecology, and behavioral ecology. Recent field projects have examine the effects of wind power development on prairie chickens, harvest on ptarmigan, cowbird removals on songbird hosts, and effects of grazing and prescribed burning on grassland birds. In evolutionary ecology, I have published on comparative life history strategies of birds, and the demography of animals and plants. I have expertise in estimation of demographic parameters with mark-recapture methods, and modeling population dynamics with population models based on projection matrices. My interests in behavioral ecology have included studies of sexual selection, mating systems, and parental care. My study systems have included arctic and prairie grouse, migratory shorebirds, and grassland songbirds, where I have used a combination of manipulative experiments and long-term monitoring to investigate marked individuals in wild populations.

Keywords: Behavioural Ecology, Conservation Biology, Population Ecology, Wildlife Management

Area(s) of Specialization

Behavioral ecology; demography; evolutionary ecology; mark-recapture statistics; matrix models; ornithology; population biology.

Biological Science
PhD, Simon Fraser University, Wildlife Ecology, 1997
MS, University of Alberta, Ecology, 1991
BS, University of British Columbia, Zoology, 1988
forestry and woodlands forest management ecology ornithology evolutionary biology statistical ecology vertebrate zoology terrestrial ecology
English, French
American Ornithologists' Union
Association of Field Ornithologists
British Ornithologists' Union
Cooper Ornithological Society
Ecological Society of America
International Wader Study Group
Society of Canadian Ornithologists
The Wildlife Society
Wilson Ornithological Society