10 Publications
Assessing Student Learning with Surveys and a Pre-Test/ Post-Test in an Online Course
Domenghini, JacobBremer, DaleKeeley, SteveFry, JackLavis, Cathie and Thien, Steve
Natural Sciences Education, vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 109-116, 2014. | Journal Article
A Comparison of Web-Based and Traditional Instruction for Teaching Turfgrass Identification1
Peterson, Kenton W and Keeley, Steve J
NACTA Journal, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 17-22, Mar 2012. | Journal Article
Wilt-Based Irrigation in Kentucky Bluegrass: Effects on Visual Quality and Irrigation Amounts Among Cultivars
Lewis, JasonBremer, DaleKeeley, Steven and Fry, Jack
Crop Science, vol. 52, (no. 4), pp. 1881-1890, Jul/Aug 2012. | Journal Article
Relationships between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Visual Quality in Cool-Season Turfgrass: II. Factors Affecting NDVI and its Component Reflectances
Bremer, DaleLee, HyeonjuSu, Kemin and Keeley, Steven
Crop Science, vol. 51, (no. 5), pp. 2219-2227, Sep/Oct 2011. | Journal Article
Relationships between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Visual Quality in Cool-Season Turfgrass: I. Variation among Species and Cultivars
Bremer, DaleLee, HyeonjuSu, Kemin and Keeley, Steven
Crop Science, vol. 51, (no. 5), pp. 2212-2218, Sep/Oct 2011. | Journal Article
Relationships between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Visual Quality in Turfgrasses: Effects of Mowing Height
Lee, HyeonjuBremer, DaleSu, Kemin and Keeley, Steven
Crop Science, vol. 51, (no. 1), pp. 323-332, Jan/Feb 2011. | Journal Article
Rooting Characteristics and Canopy Responses to Drought of Turfgrasses Including Hybrid Bluegrasses
Su, KeminBremer, DaleKeeley, Steven J and Fry, Jack D
Agronomy Journal, vol. 100, (no. 4), pp. 949-956, 2008. | Journal Article
Effects of High Temperature and Drought on a Hybrid Bluegrass Compared with Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue
Su, KeminBremer, DaleKeeley, Steven J and Fry, Jack D
Crop Science, vol. 47, (no. 5), pp. 2152-2161, Sep/Oct 2007. | Journal Article
Conversion of fairway-height perennial ryegrass turf to Kentucky bluegrass without nonselective herbicides.
Kraft, R.W.Keeley, Steve J and Su, K.
Agronomy journal., vol. 96, (no. 2), pp. 576-579, 2004. | Journal Article
Drought performance of diverse Kentucky bluegrass cultivars (Dissertation)
Keeley, Steve J (1996).