
Area(s) of Specialization:

  • Evolutionary Biology; Behavioral Ecology; Behavioral, Ecological, and Evolutionary Genomics; Speciation


  • Evolution and Genomics/Proteomics of Adaptive Phenotypes
  • Speciation and the rapid evolution of barriers to fertilization in crickets

Our primary interest is understanding the evolution and genetic basis of adaptive phenotypes (i.e., linking genotype with phenotype; see Huestis and Marshall 2009, Bioscience).

We have been especially interested in two main topics: (1) the genetics of speciation and (2) the dynamics of genes and phenotypes that exhibit environmental clines.

Research interests:

  1. The Allonemobius socius complex of crickets
  2. Genetics of speciation and postmating, prezygotic phenotypes
  3. The dynamics of genes and phenotypes that exhibit environmental clines
    1. Genes in the environment
    2. Phenotypes in the environment


  • Evolutionary biology
  • Behavioral ecology
  • Behavioral, ecological, and evolutionary genomics
  • Speciation

Research Specialty:

  • Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics
Past Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Texas at Arlington (past)

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, College of Science, University of Texas at Arlington (past)

Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University

PhD, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, 2000
MS, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, Biological Sciences, 1997
BS, Piedmont College, Demorest, Georgia, Biology and Chemistry, 1994