82 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Effect of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and open-top chambers on transpiration in a tallgrass prairie
Bremer, DaleHam, Jay M and Owensby, Clenton E
Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 691-701, 1996. | Journal Article
Kling LeRoy Anderson: rangeland management pioneer.
Owensby, Clenton E
Rangelands., vol. 17, (no. 5), pp. 172, 1995. | Journal Article
Assessment of C budget for grasslands and drylands of the world.
Ojima, Dennis SDirks, Bjorn OGlenn, Edward POwensby, Clenton E and Scurlock, Jonathan O
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, vol. 70, (no. 1-4), pp. 95-109, 1993. | Journal Article
Biomass production in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem exposed to ambient and elevated CO2.
Owensby, Clenton ECoyne, P.I.Ham, Jay MAuen, L.M. and Knapp, Alan K
Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America., vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 644-653, 1993. | Journal Article
Biomass Production in a Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem Exposed to Ambient and Elevated CO"2.
Owensby, Clenton ECoyne, Patrick IHam, Jay MAuen, Lisa M and Knapp, Alan K
Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America, vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 644-653, November 1993. | Journal Article
Biomass production in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem exposed to ambient and elevated CO sub(2)
Owensby, Clenton ECoyne, Patrick IHam, Jay MAuen, Lisa M and Knapp, Alan K
Ecological Applications, Tempe, AZ, vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 644-653, 1993. | Journal Article
Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics of a tallgrass prairie ecosystem exposed to elevated carbon dioxide
Owensby, Clenton ECoyne, PI and Auen, LM
Plant, Cell & Environment, vol. 16, (no. 7), pp. 843-850, 1993. | Journal Article
Photosynthetic and water relations responses to elevated CO(2) in the C(4) grass Andropogon gerardii
Knapp, Alan KHamerlynck, Erik P and Owensby, Clenton E
International Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 154, (no. 4), pp. 459, Dec 1993. | Journal Article
Rangeland: Plant responses to elevated CO2
Owensby, Clenton ECOYNE, P. IHAM, J. MPARTON, W.RICE, C.AUEN, L. M and ADAM, N.
1992. | Journal Article
Fire and grazing in the tallgrass prairie: Contingent effects on nitrogen budgets.
Hobbs, TomSchimel, DSOwensby, Clenton E and Ojima, Dennis S
Ecology, vol. 72, (no. 4), pp. 1374-1382, 1991. | Journal Article
Changes in soil chemical properties due to 40 years of fertilization.
Schwab, A.P.Schwab, A.P.Schwab, A.P.Owensby, Clenton EOwensby, C.E.Owensby, C.E.Kulyingyong, S.Kulyingyong, S. and Kulyingyong, S.
Soil science., vol. 149, (no. 1), pp. 35-43, 1990. | Journal Article
Influence of intraruminal monensin administration on performance and forage use in beef cattle grazing early-summer bluestem range.
Cochran, R.C.Vanzant, E.S.Riley, J.G. and Owensby, Clenton E
Journal of production agriculture., vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 88-92, 1990. | Journal Article
Mycorrhizal influences on big bluestem rhizome regrowth and clipping tolerance.
Hetrick, B.A.D.Wilson, G.W.T. and Owensby, Clenton E
Journal of range management., vol. 43, (no. 4), pp. 286-290, 1990. | Journal Article
Exchange properties of an argiustoll: effects of long-term ammonium nitrate fertilization.
Schwab, A.P.Schwab, A.P.Schwab, A.P.Ransom, M.D.Ransom, Michel DRansom, M.D.Owensby, C.E.Owensby, C.E. and Owensby, Clenton E
Soil Science Society of America journal., vol. 53, (no. 5), pp. 1412-1417, 1989. | Journal Article
Rangeland-plant response to elevated CO2
Owensby, Clenton ECOYNE, P. I and AUEN, L. M
1989. | Journal Article
Comparisons of ruminal fermentation characteristics and microbial populations in bison and cattle.
Towne, GNagaraja, T GCochran, R CHarmon, D LOwensby, Clenton E and Kaufman, David W
Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 54, (no. 10), pp. 2510-4, 1988/Oct. | Journal Article
Effects of dormant-season herbage removal on Flint Hills rangeland.
Auen, L.M. and Owensby, Clenton E
Journal of range management., vol. 41, (no. 6), pp. 481-482, 1988. | Journal Article
Stocking rate effects on intensive-early stocked Flint Hills bluestem range.
Owensby, Clenton ECochran, R. and Smith, E.F.
Journal of range management., vol. 41, (no. 6), pp. 483-487, 1988. | Journal Article
Soil coring machine for microplots and large soil cores.
Swallow, C.W.Kissel, D.E. and Owensby, Clenton E
Agronomy journal., vol. 79, (no. 4), pp. 756-758, 1987. | Journal Article
Stocking rate effects on plants and livestock.
Owensby, Clenton E
Beef cattle science handbook., pp. 624-640, 1987. | Journal Article
Use of fire as a tool in humid grassland management.
Owensby, Clenton E
Beef cattle science handbook., pp. 653-671, 1987. | Journal Article
Ruminal evacuation's effect on microbial activity and ruminal function.
Towne, GNagaraja, T GOwensby, Clenton E and Harmon, D
Journal of animal science, vol. 62, (no. 3), pp. 783-8, 1986/Mar. | Journal Article
Mineral, Rumensin, and chlortetracycline supplementation for steers on native bluestem pasture.
Graber, R.W.Smith, E.F.Owensby, Clenton ERiley, J. and Schalles, R.R.
Report of progress - Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science., (no. 470), pp. 8-11, 1985. | Journal Article
Nutrient removal rates from ruminoreticula of cattle grazing Kansas Flint Hills Range.
Forwood, J.R.Owensby, Clenton E and Towne, G.
Journal of range management., vol. 38, (no. 1), pp. 70-73, 1985. | Journal Article
Nutritive value of tree leaves in the Kansas Flint Hills.
Forwood, J. R and Owensby, Clenton E
Journal of Range Management, vol. 38, (no. 1), pp. 61-64, 1985. | Journal Article