

  1. Development of Grazing Systems for Stocker Cattle in the Kansas Flint Hills
  2. Determine the Impact of Early Spring vs Late Spring Burning under Season-Long Stocking and Intensive Early Stocking
  3. Quantification of Methane Fluxes on Grazed Tallgrass Prairie

Through my work with prescribed burning and basic research in ecophysiology, i.e. elevated CO2, and landscape fluxes of CO2, water vapor, and energy, I have been able to explore the world and develop an appreciation of the diversity of terrestrial ecosystems and cultural differences.


  • Grassland Ecology
  • Range & Forage Management

The grassland ecology research team in Agronomy focuses on:

  • Effect of species composition on animal gains
  • Effect of species composition on soil quality and erodibility
  • Environmental factors that affect species composition
  • Management factors that affect species composition
  • Methods of determining species composition on a wide scale


PhD, Kansas State University, 1969
BS, New Mexico State University, 1964