
Crop Production & Range Management.

The focus of applied research efforts aims to assist growers with problems relating to crop production and range management.

Research Projects

  1. Control and documentation of herbicide-resistant Italian ryegrass in wheat
  2. Feasibility of late planted double-crop sunflower
  3. Fungicide control of leaf diseases and head scab in wheat
  4. Managing fertilizer losses in wheat and corn in the high-rainfall environment of Southeast Kansas
  5. Sensitivity of alfalfa, red clover, white clover, and Korean lespedeza to pasture herbicides
  6. Weed and brush control on pasture and rangeland including sericea lespedeza, locust, and blackberry
  7. Weed control in corn, soybeans, sorghum, and wheat
PhD, Kansas State University, Weed Science , 2006
MS, Kansas State University, Weed Science , 2003
BS, Kansas State University , Agronomy, 2000