
Keywords: Fungal diseases of wheat. Wheat disease management. Development of wheat germplasm tolerant to pathogens in Kansas.

Areas of specialization: Fungal diseases of wheat. Applied research aimed at disease management. Development of wheat germplasm tolerant to pathogens in Kansas.

Research: Research emphasis is with soil-borne and foliar fungal diseases of wheat. Participates in the development of wheat germplasm resistant to fungal pathogens in Kansas. Studies the effects of various cultural practices (tillage, fertilizers, crop rotations, etc.) on diseases caused by these pathogens. Determines the efficacy of disease-control chemicals on wheat diseases. Studies the biology of wheat pathogens (life cycles, interactions with other microorganisms, effect of environment) in the laboratory, greenhouse and field.

Keywords: Disease management, Epidemiology and Microbial ecology.

PhD, University of California, Davis, Plant Pathology, 1978
MS, California State University, Biology, 1974
BS, University of California, Irvine, Biology, 1972