
Williams expertise on plant production in controlled environment structures has resulted in her giving invited presentations around the U.S. and Canada, and she is currently co-authoring a book about Water and Nutrient Management for Floral Crops. She focuses her research on solving greenhouse industry problems.

Dr. Kim Williams' areas of emphases in Horticulture focus on topics related to crop production in protected environments, water and nutrient management during greenhouse production, and floriculture crops. She teaches four undergraduate courses in these subjects, advises undergraduate students who specialize in crop production disciplines, and conducts applied research projects that help solve the problems of today's greenhouse industry.

Dr. Williams’ research projects focus primarily on water and nutrient management for floriculture crops. She is currently studying the physiological disorder edema, organic versus conventional fertilization of greenhouse crops, and use of clays in soilless root media for their attributes of water and nutrient retention. Dr. Williams also studies the teaching and learning process in higher education in horticulture.


  • Greenhouse Management

Subject areas:

  • Turfgrass & Ornamental Specialty Crops
    • Water and nutrient management for floriculture crops

Associate Professor, Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources, Kansas State University
1997 - current

Professor, Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University

Past Affiliations

Associate Professor, Floriculture, Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University
1997 - current

Assistant Professor, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
1995 - 1997

Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University

Horticulture, Forestry
PhD, North Carolina State University, Floriculture Nutrition, 1995
MS, North Carolina State University, Floriculture Nutrition, 1991
BS, Kansas State University, Horticulture, 1988
agriculture forestry and woodlands horticulture pest management plant or soil nutrient bioavailability floriculture college students higher education, public undergraduate education

Outstanding Teaching Award, Gamma Sigma Delta (Kansas State University), 2003

Teaching Award of Merit (Teaching), North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (Kansas State University), 2002

Advisor of the Year, College of Agriculture (Kansas State University), 2001-2002

The Alex Laurie Award (Outstanding Research Paper in Floriculture), Ohio Florists' Association, 2001

The Alex Laurie Award (Outstanding Research Paper in Floriculture), Ohio Florists' Association, 1997

American Society For Horticultural Science
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
OFA - An Association of Floriculture Professionals
Pi Alpha Xi