
Area(s) of Specialization:

  • Mycology; fungal ecology; fungus-plant interactions.

My laboratory studies the environmental selection processes that dictate the extant community structures. Towards these goals, we have adopted genomics research inspired tools to deeply interrogate fungal and bacterial communities in various systems including prairie soils under climate change manipulations, glacier forefront and ephemeral streams undergoing succession, anthropogenic environments, as well as forest ecosystems under prescribed burning regimes. 


  1. Microbial community assembly on a receding glacier forefront
  2. Meta-”omic” responses of soils to climate change
  3. Organic farming approaches and their effect on soil communities
  4. Effects of urbanization on fungal communities
  5. Ecological memory in urban environments.

Subject area:

  • Microbiology and Immunology.

Research Specialty:

  • Molecular Ecology
Biological Science
PhD, Oregon State University, Forest Science, 1998
MS, University of Eastern Finland, Forestry, 1993
ecology microbial ecology mycology fire ecology fungal ecology